Factors for the Success of an Organization

1) Please keep all the bolded subheadings: The bolded

2) Utilize what I wrote, my own thoughts, it needs to be 500-600 words in total, so it needs to be shortened but at the same time still able to convey the high level of mastery to get my point across. There are “5” sections and I wrote my own thoughts under each section, I just need it shortened up, so the whole paper is at the most 600 words. Still being able to convey my point even though its shortened is critical.

Reflecting on the “If Disney Ran Your Hospital” text by Fred Lee:
Craft a response to the following scenario –
Since I am in between jobs right now and awaiting my new job. I am going to follow discus my last job within public health emergency management which was a very toxic work environment during the COVID-19 operations as I held the position of local logistics chief. This discussion is a reflection as well as a time for me to show case what improvement could have been made during a high stress period.

1) What does your organization do to promote brand loyalty? What could they do better?
Amid the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, our local health department, unfortunately, exhibited toxic qualities that totally hindered brand loyalty rather than fostering it.
Firstly, the lack of transparent communication became a major hurdle. The local leadership failed to provide timely and accurate information to the staff and public, creating confusion and eroding trust. This lack of clarity may lead to widespread misinformation, causing panic and frustration among the community.
Furthermore, an unresponsive and dismissive approach to the public concerns characterizes the toxic leadership. Ignoring feedback, avoiding accountability, and downplaying the severity of the situation contributed to an environment where the residents in my town felt neglected and unimportant. This not only damaged the department’s reputation but also eroded any sense of community support and as low as I was on the totem pole my hands felt tied.
In terms of service delivery and logistics distribution, the toxicity exhibited was pure favoritism, allocating PPE resources unevenly and neglecting certain communities or demographics. This unequal distribution of assistance during a public health crisis exacerbated existing social disparities and fostered resentment among those who feel left behind.
To improve brand loyalty, the local health department needed to adopt principles from “If Disney Ran Your Hospital.” Prioritizing empathy and customer-centric approaches, involving active listening to community concerns, implementing transparent communication channels, and addressing issues promptly. Implementing robust public education campaigns and community outreach programs could have also help rebuild trust and engagement.
In essence, transforming a toxic organization during a the COVID-19 pandemic would require a shift towards compassionate, inclusive, and transparent practices. By embracing these principles, the local health department could not only mitigate the damage caused by toxic leadership but also foster a resilient and loyal community.

2) What does your company (or you) do to ensure long-term success of team members? How is talent developed?
In the challenging landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, my role (local logistic chief) within the local health department revealed disheartening realities about the toxic culture and lack of commitment to the long-term success of team members.
Initially, the local health department showcased a superficial concern for employee development. Token gestures, such as pizza parties, sporadic training sessions and mandatory workshops, painted an illusion of investment in team members’ growth. However, these initiatives lacked depth and were often disregarded by higher-ups, rendering them ineffective.
The toxicity within the department manifested in the form of favoritism and political maneuvering. As the low man on the totem pole politically, I witnessed decisions being made based on personal relationships rather than merit. This political bias not only hindered my efforts to advocate for the long-term success of my COVID-19 team members but also eroded morale and commitment within the entire workforce.
In my capacity, I strived to ensure the well-being and development of my team despite the political challenges. Initiatives such as mentorship programs, cross-functional experiences, comprehensive skill-building workshops, and recognition for outstanding contributions were met with negative resistance from higher authorities who were more interested in maintaining their power dynamics than fostering a thriving and capable team.
As my efforts gained momentum, my political power was stripped away, leaving me powerless to protect the long-term success of my COVID-19 team members. The toxic environment prevailed, stifling talent development and hindering the growth of individuals who could have played crucial roles in the department’s response to the pandemic.
Talent development, in theory, was outlined through bureaucratic procedures, but in practice, it became evident that true growth and success were secondary to political considerations. The lack of a genuine commitment to fostering talent became a glaring weakness, contributing to a sense of disillusionment among team members who felt unsupported and undervalued.
In conclusion, the local health department, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, exemplified toxic organizational practices that impeded the long-term success of team members. Despite my efforts to counteract these toxicities and promote talent development, political interference proved insurmountable, ultimately undermining the potential for growth and success within the department.

3) What types of feedback do you get from your senior leadership? What types of feedback do you give to those you lead?
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading the local county COVID-19 response team at the local health department was both challenging and rewarding. In an environment marked by uncertainty and urgency, feedback from senior leadership often reflected the pressure to deliver immediate results. The focus was primarily on very short-term outcomes, with an emphasis on managing the crisis rather than fostering long-term success for team members.
From senior leadership, feedback often centered around the need for rapid solutions and extremely quick resolution of issues. The toxic nature of the departmental level became evident as there was limited recognition of the efforts invested in building a sustainable framework for the well-being and growth of the COVID-19 response team. Despite being the low man on the totem pole politically, I tirelessly advocated for the long-term success of my team members, emphasizing the importance of their mental and emotional well-being.
I implemented strategies to provide professional development opportunities, mental health support, and recognition programs to boost team morale. However, my efforts faced immediate resistance, and the toxic work culture prevailed. The lack of acknowledgment for the well-being of team members and the constant focus on immediate crisis management created an environment where long-term success seemed elusive.
In the face of adversity, I continued to give constructive and supportive feedback to those I led. I emphasized the significance of their contributions, recognized their hard work, and encouraged a collaborative approach. Unfortunately, as I pushed for sustainable solutions and prioritized the holistic development of my team, my power was gradually stripped away as a took the abuse and toxic heat from the upper leadership.
The disconnect between my leadership approach, centered on the long-term success of team members, and the short-term focus of the department’s leadership led to a challenging dynamic. Despite my best efforts, the toxicity at the departmental level prevailed, hindering the potential for lasting success and growth for the COVID-19 response team members.
This experience highlighted the importance of aligning leadership perspectives and values, especially in crisis situations, to ensure a supportive and sustainable environment for both the team and its leaders.

4) How are changes made in the organization? Who makes those decisions and how do you get team buy-in?
During the local health department’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the process of making changes within the organization was marked by a toxic environment at the departmental leadership level, hindering the long-term success of team members. The decision-making power rested predominantly with the health officer and deputy health officer, and their approach lacked collaboration and teamwork.
Organizational changes were implemented without open discussions or opportunities for team input. The health officer and deputy health officer made decisions unilaterally, presenting them as concrete directives without room for feedback or alternative perspectives. This top-down approach created a toxic work culture, stifling innovation and hindering the potential for long-term success within the COVID-19 response team.
As the low man on the totem pole politically, I recognized the need for changes that would foster the well-being and growth of my team members. Despite facing significant challenges, I advocated for a more inclusive decision-making process. I proposed strategies for effective team buy-in, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and input from those on the front lines of the pandemic response.
However, my efforts to encourage a more inclusive decision-making process were met with resistance. The health officer and deputy health officer maintained their autocratic approach, dismissing the need for discussion or teamwork. This lack of engagement and collaboration led to decisions that did not align with the long-term success and well-being of the COVID-19 response team.
Effective team buy-in is crucial for successful organizational changes, and my attempts to foster collaboration were undermined by the rigid decision-making style of the leadership. The absence of open dialogue and the exclusion of team input resulted in changes that lacked the necessary support from those directly involved in the pandemic response.
In this challenging environment, it became evident that a more inclusive and collaborative approach to decision-making is essential for achieving lasting success during times of crisis. The experience underscored the importance of leadership that values teamwork, communication, and the well-being of its members in navigating the complexities of a public health emergency.

5) “Sharing the Vision” is a strong theme. What is the vision for your team (or company) and what do you do (or could you do) as a leader to promote that vision?
In the challenging context of the local health department’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, cultivating a shared vision for the team was a true to be an uphill battle. The toxic atmosphere at the departmental leadership level hindered the establishment of a collective vision and impeded the long-term success of team members.
The original vision for the COVID-19 response team was centered on not only managing the immediate public health crisis but also fostering a resilient, collaborative, and sustainable environment. The aim was to ensure the well-being and growth of team members, acknowledging their invaluable contributions during unprecedented times.
As a leader, despite being the low man on the totem pole politically, I actively worked towards promoting and instilling this vision within the team. I recognized the importance of open communication and transparency, sharing the broader goals and aspirations for the team’s success. I engaged team members in discussions about the impact of their work and emphasized the significance of their roles in the larger mission of public health.
To promote the vision, I implemented strategies that focused on the holistic development of team members. This included providing resources for mental health support, offering professional development opportunities, and fostering a sense of community within the team. I aimed to create an environment where every team member felt valued and understood the collective vision for success.
However, despite my efforts, the toxic dynamics at the departmental leadership level posed significant challenges more like a brick wall roadblock. The shared vision for long-term success clashed with the short-term, crisis-focused approach of the health officer and deputy health officer. Organizational changes were made without considering the impact on the team’s vision, and my attempts to advocate for a more inclusive decision-making process were met with resistance.
Ultimately, my power to influence positive change and promote the shared vision was stripped away. The absence of collaboration and a shared vision at the leadership level resulted in a disconnect between the aspirations for the team’s success and the decisions made at the top.
This experience highlighted the critical role of leadership alignment in realizing a shared vision. The toxic environment at the departmental level underscored the challenges of fostering success when there is a lack of cohesion and a failure to prioritize the well-being and long-term growth of the dedicated individuals on the front lines of the pandemic response.

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