- What are three issues that may lead employees to join unions, and how would you as a manager proactively address dissatisfied employees?
- Describe the “Peter Principle” and how this principle should be taken into consideration when making decisions about promotions.
- Describe the “Peter Principle” and how this principle should be taken into consideration when making decisions about promotions.
- Describe the difference between a defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plan.
- Four months ago, you were hired as the new Administrator in a department. Performance evaluations are due for all of your staff next week. For the past three years, one of your employees has received “Exceeds Expectations,” the highest possible rating on “Teamwork.” Through your firsthand observations and conversations with other staff members, you believe this employee should be rated as “Needs Improvement” – the lowest category – in this area. What would you do during the meeting to ensure you have a productive discussion with the employee?
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