DNP Role Analysis Part 2

The purpose of this assignment is evaluate a a current or new role relative to a DNP prepared nurse.  The emphasis will be on the skills that a DNP prepared nurse brings to the role. What are the differences coming from a DNP perspective? What skills will a DNP prepared nurse have that a MSN prepared  RN would not.  

The Role Paper will be completed in 2 parts.  Part I  will focus on a description of the role and what the DNP/MSN nurse will bring to the role. A SWOT analysis will also be done for Part I.  Part 2 will consist of a PEST analysis and the next steps in moving the role to a DNP level.  References will be completed for both parts of the paper.   The final paper will include both part 1 and part 2. 

Download sample DNP 802 Role Development DNP Role SWOT Analysis part 1-1.doc

Download sample DNP 802 Role Development DNP Role SWOT Analysis part 2 and complete paper-1.doc

Sample Student Paper Parts 1 and 2: 

Download DNP_SWOT_Analysis_Part 1 and 2 Student Sample Spring 2019-1.docx

Components of Part II Role Analysis Paper:

1. Includes a PEST analysis: political, economical, social and technological influences, current and potential as they impact the DNP role

2. Implementation of a DNP role- (CLINICAL NURSE EDUCATOR

3. Stakeholder support

potential funding/costs for role, along  with potential savings

4. Theoretical framework to assist with implementation

5. Evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the role

6. Summary of the need for the DNP in this role

 Summary of rubric expectations- color coded : 

See the following reference for an example of a DNP Role SWOT Analysis, , pp 457-458, Table 10.6 in Zaccagnini & White (3rd ed) and  Table 10-6, pp. 362-363 in 4th Edition

 2013 DNP project. A feasibility and cost analysis on a nurse practitioner managed endoscopy service.pdf 

Download  2013 DNP project. A feasibility and cost analysis on a nurse practitioner managed endoscopy service.pdf

DNP 802 Role Analysis Part 1 and 2 Rubric. Summer 20.docx Download DNP 802 Role Analysis Part 1 and 2 Rubric. Summer 20.docx

This assignment enables the learners to meet Course SLO #1, 4. 

This assignment will be graded within 3 days after submission with feedback provided once all grading has been completed. 

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