Discussion: Defining Abnormal Behavior

First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself. Then address the prompt below.

In this module, you will explore the concept of abnormal behavior and consider why we often think of abnormal behavior as weird, uncomfortable, and difficult to define.

For your initial post, review the definition of abnormal behavior from your textbook, Abnormal Psychology, Chapter 2, and from the video, Defining Abnormality, to answer the following questions:

How has abnormal behavior been defined throughout history?
In your own words, how would you define abnormal behavior?
What are some of the ways in which abnormal behavior might be defined across different cultures?
What are some of the factors that contribute to abnormal behavior?
How do these contributing factors apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes document.
Social justice
Emotional intelligence
Career connections
Remember to respond to two peers while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:

Post an article, video, or visual to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.
Engage in conversation or consider asking a question from history, pop culture, the media, or other societal examples that frame abnormal behavior as being weird or uncomfortable.
To complete this assignment, review the Psychology Undergraduate Discussion Rubric. You will also need:

Norms of Practice for Online Discussion
Ethical Usage Practices

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