Practice Exam Questions
1. Define the term ‘a balanced diet’. (1mark)
2. Define the term ‘energy balance’. (1mark)
3. .
4. Distinguish between isotonic and hypertonic drinks and explain What are the potential benefits of sports drinks? (3marks)
5. What is creatine? (2marks)
6. What type of athlete would benefit from taking a creatine monohydrate supplement? Give an example as to why
13. How can an elite athlete assess whether their diet meets the demands of their training and competitive programmes? (4 marks)
12) A level. Give a brief outline and comment critically upon the effects of glycogen loading on the enhancement of sport performance. 15 marks
The dietary requirements of a power athlete and an endurance-based athlete have similarities and differences. Discuss (12 marks)
The dietary requirements of a power athlete and an endurance-based athlete have similarities and differences. Discuss Answer: 12 marks
Give a brief outline and comment upon the following techniques, which may be employed in the belief that they will enhance sport performance: 12 marks
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