Text: Dunn, WL, and Craig, GJ (2019). Understanding Human Development, 4th Edition, Pearson Publishing Company.
Articles: Tepper, Lynn (2014). “Developmental Theories in the Second Half of Life.”
In I. Gutheil (Ed), Work with Older People. NY: Fordham Press.
Tepper, Lynn (2014). “Family Relationships and Support Networks.” In L. Tepper and T. Cassidy, Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Aging. New York: Springer Co
Tepper, Lynn (2019). Guidelines for the Child Case Study..
Tepper, Lynn (2019). Guidelines for Observing Children at Play.
Tepper, Lynn (2019) Guidelines for the Adult Case Study..
- ACTIVE PARTICIPATION. Several questions will be posted every week, which will be located in the COURSE MATERIALS link. These questions will reflect the assigned material in your textbook for that week, and ask you to answer each question based on the application to what you have learned in the READINGS for that week. Some of these questions can be answered based on your opinions, observations, and experience related to these questions. So, your responses should also be based on (1) your experiences and your observations, combined with (2) what you have learned from the readings. You are expected to post a minimum of 5 postings per week, which includes both your responses to the questions, and your responses to other students’ postings, should TOTAL at least 5 postings each week. Your grade for participation will be 50% of your final grade, so active participation is necessary.
- ASSIGNMENT 1: CHILD CASE STUDY (due by April 7). Choose an infant, child or adolescent to observe and interview, and possibly his/her parent if possible to interview. Write a paper describing what you have learned about that child, and relate the individual’s development to what you have learned in this class, including the readings and discussions, as well as possible outside sources. This is not just a report or story about this child, but also and most importantly an ANALYSIS of his or her development at that particular stage. Information that will assist you is in the Guidelines for the Child Case Study document listed above. This case study should be submitted online, and submitted as a .doc or .docx document attachment to an email to Dr. in the Course Email section of this course, and is due at the latest on April 7.
There is no length (page) requirement for this case study. It should however be long enough to be as complete and concise as possible, based on what you have learned in this course, and how it relates the person you are writing about. In the past, page length has averaged from about 5-7 pages. There is no need to include the questions you may have asked, as it will be obvious from what you found out.
(LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL RESULT IN GRADE ADJUSTMENT, so please try to submit your work on or before this date!) - ASSIGNMENT 2: ADULT CASE STUDY (). Choose a young adult, middle aged adult, or older adult to interview. Write a paper describing what you have learned about that adult, and relate the individual’s developmental stage to the class discussions and the readings in your textbook and the assigned articles. As with the child case study, it is not just a report on the adult, but most importantly, an ANALYSIS of his/her development based on what you have learned in this course about development at that particular stage of life. Information about how to do an adult case study is located in the Guidelines for the Adult Case Study document above. This paper should be submitted online as an email attachment to Dr., in .doc or .docx format, and is.
Similar to the Child Case Study: There is no length (page) requirement for this case study. It should however be long enough to be as complete and concise as possible, based on what you have learned in this course, and how it relates the person you are writing about. In the past, page length has averaged 7-8 pages. There is no need to include the questions you may have asked, as it will be obvious from what you found out
(LATE SUBMSSIONS WILL RESULT IN GRADE ADJUSTMENT, so please try to submit your work on or before this date!)
• “Guidelines for the Child Case Study “explains how you could complete a case
study on a child.
• “Guidelines for Observing Children at Play” can also help you do this assignment.
• “Guidelines for the Adult Case Study” explains how you could complete a case
study on an adult.
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