Each of your essays should be a thorough response to the overall question. Please formulate your answers into an essay and refrain from answering each specific question as an independent question. Explicit efforts should be made to incorporate and cite course readings and outside readings into your essays, to support your answers. (Sources may be listed at the end of each answer or at the end of your exam.) While some of the questions may have “yes” or “no” answers or ask your opinion, you are expected to fully defend and/or explain your answer using the relevant research literature, textbooks, examples, or other scholarly means.
Question: Increasing revenue is a constant issue for all levels of government. However, cities face several unique challenges with regard to raising revenue to fund their functions.
Please explain some of the challenges. What factors would you consider if you were designing a revenue collection system from scratch? How is revenue collection made more difficult when dealing with regional issues, such as transportation infrastructure, the homeless, or economic development? What role should other levels of government play in this issue? Please explain fully.
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