Culture and Environment

After you complete the readings and review the content for each module, you will answer discussion question(s) for each unit. In addition to your initial answer to the discussion question, you must also respond to at least two classmate’s postings in each discussion board. Your post and your responses should be clear, concise and contain appropriate APA citing and references. An APA cite and a reference should be included in your post when you provide any fact in your post. Providing facts without a cite and reference is considered plagiarism.
Initial posts should be approximately 250 words. You will be graded each week according to your initial postings as well as the quality and quantity of your participation. The instructor will also be providing feedback and/or follow up questions about your posts. It is expected that you will respond to instructor posts within the specified time frame. Your initial post should be completed by the due date so that your peers have enough time to respond. Delay on posting your initial response will result in a deduction in your grade for this assignment.
Read the vignette and answer the questions posed.
A 35-year-old Hispanic mother walks into a community agency near her home with her two toddlers in tow. A neighbor told her that the agency has low-cost, high-quality child care services and she would like to learn about the program. The brochures she sees are in English so she approaches a receptionist, who asks her in English to complete some paperwork. After filling out the information sheet, she approaches the receptionist again with some questions. Seeing that the mother doesn’t understand her, the receptionist immediately asks a service provider who learned basic Spanish in college to come speak with her. The service provider briefly explains the paperwork to the mother and offers to call in a translator. The mother, unsure about what was said and worried that the translator represents someone official who may ask her difficult questions, takes the brochures and thanks the service provider warmly. She leaves the agency and doesn’t return. (Calzada & Suarez-Balcazar, 2014). You are the social worker who does community outreach and this client is referred to you for follow-up.
Discuss the following:
· Discuss the significant cultural issues that you may encounter with this case.
· Discuss the possible policy issues that interfered with creating an inclusive environment for this client seeking assistance.
· Explore the advocacy efforts will you engage in to address client’s needs (and those in the community of similar cultural position who are served by your agency).
Vignette Modified from Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from:
Calzada, E. & Suarez-Balcazar, Y. (2014). Enhancing Cultural Competence in Social Service Agencies: A Promising Approach to Serving Diverse Children and Famlies. OPRE Report #2014-31, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S.

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