Cultural Analysis

Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview
The final project for this course is the creation of an analysis paper. In the paper, you will analyze a particular culture from the perspective
challenge you to apply what you have learned in this course to an investigation of a minority cultural or a minority ethnic group of your your ability to analyze different cultures using a psychological approach and to draw conclusions based on research on that culture’s char Module Seven.
Submit a three- to five-page analysis paper in which you analyze a culture you choose. Write the paper from the perspective of a cross-cu culture in terms of its location on specific cultural dimensions; for example, power distance, uncertainty, and avoidance. Explain what the psychology. Address at least five of the following questions or areas in your paper:
What predictions can be made about the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of this group in light of their unique cultural background How would a cross-cultural psychologist expect the group to perform on various psychological measures (e.g., a Big Five personality strangers)?
How might social values of this group affect attributions?
Investigate this culture’s view on psychological disorders, most commonly diagnosed ones, and treatment methods. Identify specific communication patterns and their effect on others or the self.
Address the group’s values regarding autonomy.
Examine unique life states and their effects on the psyche. Investigate sources of perception and stereotypes.
Analyze this culture’s view of intelligence and methods of measure. Address any conflicts this may have with traditional views and m Describe how the group’s cultural norms regulate an individual’s display of emotions.
Explain cultural influences on decision making.
Provide examples of behavior that might arise based on the type of uncertainty avoidance in this cultural setting. Describe how cultural beliefs related to death might affect medical decisions and grieving.
Discuss the cultural factors that influence one’s likeliness to seek social support in times of stress. What cultural factors influence likeliness to conform, and in what situations?

Specifically, you must address the following critical elements in your analysis paper:

I. Demonstrate a general reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, or strategies presented in and interpretations. Provide appropriate examples, as applicable.
II. Include all components and meet all requirements of the five questions or areas addressed, as indicated in t the prompt.
III. Show evidence in your writing of the synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained throughout the course some level of detail. Demonstrate the ability to think like a psychologist.
A. You must integrate concepts from the text, define all terminology, and document your sources using APA format

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