Crisis Communication

Create a crisis communication plan for leaders in a specific organization. The plan must
-clearly identify the organization/target audience the plan is written for,
-create sections describing each type of potential crisis this organization might encounter and an appropriate response,
The sections should be tailored to your specific organization. For example, if your company produces a food product, recalls could be an important topic to address. Be sure to apply course concepts, including those related to positive messaging and crisis prevention/risk.
NOTE: Include the social media policy created during Unit VII as one section of the plan. You can update the policy and make any necessary revisions to the version you submitted in Unit VII.
-identify stakeholders who might be affected by the crisis,
Include procedures to communicate internally with those inside of the company and externally with stakeholders outside of the company.
-include clear, detailed procedures using a format that is easy to follow,
-add any templates or worksheets that might be helpful for the leaders to use when responding to a crisis event, and use -text enhancements and visuals to emphasize and for clarity.
In addition to basic enhancements such as bold, underline, italics, caps, font/font size, and color-coding, you can include graphs, illustrations, or other visual elements.
Your crisis communication plan must be at least 6 pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting for the entire plan format, however, is not necessary.
Note: In Unit I, you developed a definition of an organizational crisis and you have been applying that definition to your written work throughout the term. This definition should become the basis for your crisis communication plan. In Unit II, you were introduced to several key crisis communication theories. Rely on these concepts to guide your plan. Both the definition you created in Unit I and the theories you learned about in Unit II should provide justification for your specific strategy. The Unit VIII readings (Chapter 12 of your textbook) elaborate on a key theory presented in the course: discourse of renewal theory.
The four opportunities presented in the chapter are important aspects to consider as you develop the plan:

  • organizational learning,
  • ethical communication,
  • prospective rather than retrospective vision, and 4. effective organizational rhetoric.
    The social media policy Unit VII will be uploaded when complete, a week before this one is due.

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