COVID-19 and Business Renewal

  1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
    Demonstrate detailed understanding of the relevant knowledge base which is subjected to critical appraisal.
  2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
    Demonstrate an ability to select and apply appropriate research methodologies to collect data. This data will be analysed critically and in detail, to address specific research questions effectively.

What am I required to do in this assignment?

You will be required to undertake a critical evaluation of two articles; one from an academic source and one from an industry source and present your work in report format using a Word document. Ensure that you balance your analysis equally between both sources and consider the overall quality of the sources; would you consider these to be reliable sources and why/why not?
You must include an Introduction and Conclusion and consider the following points for each article:

• What is the article about?
• Who has written the article?
• Who is the intended audience for the article?
• What sources were used and how do you rate these?
• How do you rate the arguments? are they believable? why/why not?
• What is the conclusion of the article?
• What were the key learning points for you from this article?
• Consider these in relation to implications for the topic (e.g. social, political, environmental, legal, theoretical, managerial, practical or other)
Ensure that you use Harvard referencing in citations and the reference list.
Below are the articles for Assessment 1:
As the brief for Assessment 1 states, you need to comment on two articles – one is an academic article, the other is a practitioner article.
Regardless of which course you are on, you must work on the following two articles:
• Academic article:
COVID-19 and business renewal: Lessons and insights from the global airline industry
• Practitioner article:
McKinsey and Company: Beyond coronavirus: The path to the next normal

Report format: (title page, table of contents and reference section do not count towards the word count)

Title page
Table of contents
Content (your analysis of the sources)
Conclusion (key learning identified from your analysis)

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

• Critically analyse and evaluate academic and practitioner sources of information to produce valid conclusions.

• Identify key conceptual issues and discuss different research implications (e.g., theoretical, managerial, practical or policy related).

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The main objective of this assessment is to learn through critique and reflection through understanding, summarizing, and analyzing academic research in order to reach valid conclusions.

In class we will be reviewing a number of academic and practitioner articles to prepare you for the assessment.

  1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
    Demonstrate detailed understanding of the relevant knowledge base which is subjected to critical appraisal.
  2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
    Demonstrate an ability to select and apply appropriate research methodologies to collect data. This data will be analysed critically and in detail, to address specific research questions effectively.

What am I required to do in this assignment?

You will be required to undertake a critical evaluation of two articles; one from an academic source and one from an industry source and present your work in report format using a Word document. Ensure that you balance your analysis equally between both sources and consider the overall quality of the sources; would you consider these to be reliable sources and why/why not?
You must include an Introduction and Conclusion and consider the following points for each article:

• What is the article about?
• Who has written the article?
• Who is the intended audience for the article?
• What sources were used and how do you rate these?
• How do you rate the arguments? are they believable? why/why not?
• What is the conclusion of the article?
• What were the key learning points for you from this article?
• Consider these in relation to implications for the topic (e.g. social, political, environmental, legal, theoretical, managerial, practical or other)
Ensure that you use Harvard referencing in citations and the reference list.
Below are the articles for Assessment 1:
As the brief for Assessment 1 states, you need to comment on two articles – one is an academic article, the other is a practitioner article.
Regardless of which course you are on, you must work on the following two articles:
• Academic article:
COVID-19 and business renewal: Lessons and insights from the global airline industry
• Practitioner article:
McKinsey and Company: Beyond coronavirus: The path to the next normal

Report format: (title page, table of contents and reference section do not count towards the word count)

Title page
Table of contents
Content (your analysis of the sources)
Conclusion (key learning identified from your analysis)

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

• Critically analyse and evaluate academic and practitioner sources of information to produce valid conclusions.

• Identify key conceptual issues and discuss different research implications (e.g., theoretical, managerial, practical or policy related).

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The main objective of this assessment is to learn through critique and reflection through understanding, summarizing, and analyzing academic research in order to reach valid conclusions.

In class we will be reviewing a number of academic and practitioner articles to prepare you for the assessment.

Unit learning outcomes

  1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
    Demonstrate detailed understanding of the relevant knowledge base which is subjected to critical appraisal.
  2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
    Demonstrate an ability to select and apply appropriate research methodologies to collect data. This data will be analysed critically and in detail, to address specific research questions effectively.

What am I required to do in this assignment?

You will be required to undertake a critical evaluation of two articles; one from an academic source and one from an industry source and present your work in report format using a Word document. Ensure that you balance your analysis equally between both sources and consider the overall quality of the sources; would you consider these to be reliable sources and why/why not?
You must include an Introduction and Conclusion and consider the following points for each article:

• What is the article about?
• Who has written the article?
• Who is the intended audience for the article?
• What sources were used and how do you rate these?
• How do you rate the arguments? are they believable? why/why not?
• What is the conclusion of the article?
• What were the key learning points for you from this article?
• Consider these in relation to implications for the topic (e.g. social, political, environmental, legal, theoretical, managerial, practical or other)
Ensure that you use Harvard referencing in citations and the reference list.
Below are the articles for Assessment 1:
As the brief for Assessment 1 states, you need to comment on two articles – one is an academic article, the other is a practitioner article.
Regardless of which course you are on, you must work on the following two articles:
• Academic article:
COVID-19 and business renewal: Lessons and insights from the global airline industry
• Practitioner article:
McKinsey and Company: Beyond coronavirus: The path to the next normal

Report format: (title page, table of contents and reference section do not count towards the word count)

Title page
Table of contents
Content (your analysis of the sources)
Conclusion (key learning identified from your analysis)

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

• Critically analyse and evaluate academic and practitioner sources of information to produce valid conclusions.

• Identify key conceptual issues and discuss different research implications (e.g., theoretical, managerial, practical or policy related).

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The main objective of this assessment is to learn through critique and reflection through understanding, summarizing, and analyzing academic research in order to reach valid conclusions.

In class we will be reviewing a number of academic and practitioner articles to prepare you for the assessment.

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