Contemporary Moral Issues

Final Case Analysis Paper
Each participant will write a case analysis for a final evaluation. The Final Case Analysis paper must be submitted under the
Case Analysis Papers module

The Final Case Analysis paper should meet the following requirements:

• 3 – 4 double-spaced, typed pages
o A title page and an outline are not required. Front matter (such as a title page or outline) as well as the bibliography do not count toward the total number of pages.
o Times New Roman font, 12 point size

• Left and right margins no larger than 1.25 inches; top and bottom margins no larger than 1 inch

• All sources must be cited
o Parenthetical citations (author, page) should be used in the body of the paper
o A Works Cited page using MLA formatting should appear at the end of the paper

• First page header should include the following, single-spaced lines:
o Upper-right-hand corner should include the participant’s name (first and last), course title, and date
o Below the date, centered, the title of the paper

• Subsequent page headers (at the top) should include the following:
o Last name of the participant at the right margin
o Page number at the center
o Full or abbreviated title at the left margin
• Paper saved with a .doc or .docx file extension
o First and Last name of the participant should be in the file name
 FirstLastFinal.doc

• Additional Instructions
o Each paper must contain the following sections (in this order):
 Reason for the Case
 Summary of the Case
 Relevant Ethical Theories
 Analysis
 Recommendations

The instructor will grade papers in the following areas:
• Formatting
o Is your paper formatted according to the guidelines above?
• Citations and references
o Are all your sources cited? Did you use the appropriate style format?
• Organization
o Are your sections clearly labeled? Does each section address the appropriate subject matter?
• Coherence
o Are your sentences structured properly? Do your arguments follow logically?
• Comprehensiveness
o Have you addressed all the ethics issues in the case? Does your paper reflect material covered in the course?
• Ethical Issue Recognition
o Have you recognized the ethical issues in the case? Can recognize interrelationships among the issues?
• Application of ethical principles and theories
o Have you stated a position (recommendations)? Did you apply accurately ethical principles and theories to support the position?

Please note: A complete rubric (with grading scale) is posted to Brightspace.

The Final Case Analysis paper is to be completed individually.
Any attempt to ask for assistance (for any reason) or provide assistance (for any reason) is a violation of Felician University’s Policy on Academic Honesty and should be turned over to the professor immediately.

Papers will be verified for originality using Turnitin. Use of any artificial intelligence to write the paper and/or assist in writing the paper is considered plagiarism.

As per the syllabus, a plagiarized paper will result in an automatic failure on the assignment.

Final Case Analysis Template

Reason for the Case:
[Put one sentence here describing the reason(s) for the case. Language from the course should be used.]
(Approximate length: 1 sentence)

Summary of the Case:
[Summarize the relevant details of the case here. After reading this section, the reader should have a good sense of the facts and what ethical issues are apparent in the case. This section is primarily descriptive and sets the tone for the rest of the paper.]
(Approximate length: 4 – 5 sentences)

Relevant Ethics Theories:
[Define the relevant ethics theories (at least 2) to which one might appeal or need in the analysis of the case. This section should include clear definitions of theories based on course data. Definitions should be based on the course text, including clear references to the readings with proper citations. Lectures and other course tools may be used as secondary sources. (These also must be properly cited.) Each definition should be well-developed, including several sentences: 1 sentence should include the ought statement from class, 1 sentence should include the textbook definition, and one sentence should include your own synthesis of the theory. There won’t be any mention of the case in this section. This section just defines the theories which will be applied to the case in the next section.

Please note: Well-defined theories may be copied/pasted from the mid-term paper.]


(Approximate length: 1 – 2 pages)

[Analyze the theories (described above) in light of the case. This section should relate directly to the previous section. (How and Why are the theories defined above relevant to the ethical issues found in the case.) This section should relate course information in a clear, concise manner to the case. That is, there should be a clear connection between the case, the relevant theories (from the previous section) and the analysis. This section begins the process of prescriptive ethics work.]
(Approximate length: 2 – 3 pages)

[Provide recommendations in the form of action items, points of consideration, and/or suggestions for addressing the ethical issues found in the case. These recommendations should follow logically and coherently from the analysis in the previous section (that is, the reader should easily recognize the rationale for these in the previous section). This section highlights the prescriptive process of ethics and, therefore, should contain several clear, concise “ought statements.”]
(Approximate length: 4 – 5 sentences)

The Case

Apollo Fitness Products LLC has recently finished development of a weight-loss supplement, Fat Fast. Fat Fast will be sold over- the-counter as a dietary supplement and, as such, will not be subject to the stringent testing and marketing standards of the FDA.

Daniel and Claire work for Apollo. Claire is the advertising executive assigned to develop a campaign for Fat Fast. Claire’s
compensation is based entirely on sales and market penetration. Fat Fast is the first product for which she is solely responsible.

Daniel is the Head of Research for Apollo. His employees test all of Apollo’s products prior to release. Daniel is responsible for reviewing all test results and compiling reports for Apollo’s advertising executives, including Claire. Daniel’s compensation is strictly salary. His finances are not dependent on the success and/or failure of Apollo’s supplements.

Daniel is going through a divorce and has not been focused at work. He fails to compile the test results for Fat Fast and does not complete the necessary reports for Claire. Claire, anxious to begin advertising, approves a marketing campaign without reviewing the research. She knows that women are the largest buyers of weight loss supplements and that women, between the ages of 32 and 45, have the largest disposal incomes. As such, her marketing campaign focuses completely on women between the ages of 32 and 45.

Two weeks later, Daniel completes a draft of the Fat Fast report. Claire reads the report and realizes that Fat Fast helps men lose significantly more weight than women. In fact, 95% of the women in Daniel’s study lost no weight at all. Claire quickly schedules a meeting with her staff. They tell her that print and media advertisements have been ordered based on her earlier approval. Claire cannot change these advertisements.

Claire panics and schedules a meeting with Daniel. She explains to him that they both could be fired for these mistakes. Daniel disagrees. He states that he simply was late with a report which, in the worst possible scenario, would result in a small reprimand.

Daniel reminds Claire that the report is in draft form and still can be changed. He suggests that they could discuss the potential results in his condo later that evening. He writes “1234 Main Street” and “7:00pm” on a post-it note. He gently nudges her hand and slips the note under it. Claire walks out with no response.

Concerned about these events, Claire calls Apollo Fitness Product’s confidential ethics hotline.

As a member of the ethics hotline, you receive Claire’s call. She discusses her concerns with you and would like
recommendations regarding (a) what to do about the discrepancy between the marketing campaign and the Fat Fast report and
(b) her latest interaction with Daniel.

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