Concert Reflection

Concert Reflection Guidelines

You will be required to attend 2 live online concerts and complete a reflection for each performance. Students must select at least one classical concert and the 2nd concert may be classical, jazz, or nonwestern music. Concerts must be college or professional level performances. The instructor will provide links to free concerts throughout the term. It is best to check with the instructor beforehand if a selected performance will satisfy this requirement.

Each reflection should be 1-2 pages long, type 12 font, double spaced, 1” margins.Spelling, proper grammar, and appearance will be considered.

Take notes during performance so you have information for your reflection. Since concerts will be virtual you do not need to worry about disturbing others.

There is no standard format to follow but should include the following information. Write the paper as a narrative. Do not write as if you are answering questions on a form.

  • What performance did you attend and where? What specific works were performed?
  • Was there an instrumental ensemble? Were there vocal performers? Please describe the ensemble.
  • Was the performance conducted/nonconducted?
  • If so, how did the conductor guide the ensemble?
  • If not, how did the ensemble stay together?
  • Describe and evaluate the quality of the literature/pieces/music performed. If multiple works were performed. Identify and discuss a minimum of three of the musical selections performed. Here are key terms to help guide you.
  • Major/minor
  • Fast/slow
  • Staccato? legation? accented? Syncopated?
  • Dynamics (loud and soft)
  • Character of each work
  • Evaluate the quality of the performance.
  • Intonation (on pitch)
  • Rhythm/ensemble (staying together or falling apart)
  • Style/articulation/dynamics
  • Energy
  • Balance (can you hear each part or section of the ensemble?)
  • If there are words, are they clear and intelligible?  Why or why not?
  • How did you personally connect or not connect with the music?
  • If so, what effect did the music/performance have upon you and the audience?
  • If not, what obstacles got in your way?
  • How did the visual aspect of the performance help or hurt your experience?  What could be improved?
  • What did you learn from watching this performance?

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