This assignment is worth 30 points.
For this assignment you will create a “bi-fold brochure”. A document such as this is used to share information on a topic. It is meant to be visual and to tell some, but not a whole lot, of information about a particular subject.
FORMAT: You will use either WORD or PUBLISHER for this assignment, selecting one of the bi-fold brochures that are available as a TEMPLATE when you create a new document. A template will have the general format set up for you so that you mostly have to choose pictures and text.
TOPIC: Use the topic that you had for your oral presentation.
CONTENT: Your brochure will have 4 sections:
Front page
o Class # and Title
o Topic
o Your name
Content – inner pages
o Facts, statistics
o Personal stories from survivors
o New inventions regarding treatments
o Prevention, S/S, etc.
Back page
o Links to where information can be found. Basically, this is your reference page.
Additionally, your brochure must have PICTURES!
Most (3 or more), but not all sections should have pictures that illustrate what you are saying in the brochure.
Pictures must have some sort of formatting such as borders, bevels, or other that make the pictures stand out.
Make the brochure look interesting, but do not clutter with too much text. Short and sweet.
Pictures need to be sized appropriately and be clear (not distorted).
Saving pictures to your computer or to a folder might be a good idea.
Saving your work frequently is a MUST.
o If you want to try a few different ideas, save your brochure with each major change, but add a version number so that you can go back to an earlier idea if something you do doesn’t work out.
o Example:
Pneumonia v1
Pneumonia v2
Pneumonia v3
o This way, you do not have to redo things if you had a better idea the first time!
You cannot just cut and paste information from websites. That is plagiarism (using someone else’s work as your own) and this is a big no-no. Instead, summarize and write in your own words. Plagiarism will result in your work being rejected and earning a “0” for the assignment.
You must also provide a list of where you found your information. This should all go on one page.
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