Compatibility in Technology

The project manager and the office manager both identify compatibility as a major feature necessary for adoption of any technology. The project manager explains that the software (continulink) was adopted mainly because it is tailored to suit the expectations and task needs of the organization. According to him, the ‘continulink’ is ‘customized’ based on the requirements and the task expectations of the company to help with all task related with home care nursing and other healthcare duties they need. Also, it is compatible with their ‘Dial N DOC’ which is also software used to track and monitor the login and logout times of their staff at their different duty posts.
From the reports of the respondents above, we realize that while the actual users of the software perceive the reasons for adopting a software technology from the task and performance point of view, the chief executive officer emphasizes mostly, the need to cut on costs. This gives an impression that organizations probably adopt technology considering the costs in proportion to the anticipated returns on investment especially where the final decision lies with the top executive and their perceptions.
So, in reference to the diffusion of innovation model as explained earlier in this paper, we understand that the real users of a technology software reason more from the perspective of task satisfaction and also compatibility noting that the project manager explained in the interview that the software was actually customized specifically to meet the task needs of the organization and this compatibility includes process and outcome satisfaction. And if we are to infer further, we may assume therefore, that there are conflicting interests as far as satisfaction is concerned between the different strata of hierarchies in organizations in considering the adoption of technology software for communication.

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