Each student is to choose one peer reviewed scientific article on their topic. The
Carrington Library is a great source of information. Your paper is not a group project, every student is responsible for choosing their own article and writing their own critical review.
• A table to assist you with your analysis has been uploaded into files. You are required to submit this table as part of your assignment.
• You are not required to meet with the writing lab/tutor before submitting your paper but it is recommended. It is always good to have another set of eyes read your work. You can access this service through the Student Resources link found within “Help and Library” in your
Canvas. Be sure to give yourself enough time to make any edits before final submission.
• Two sample critical analysis papers have been provided on Canvas as a reference to guide you.
• Papers will be submitted via Turnitin, which is embedded into your assignment on Canvas. Please submit your assignment the same as you would any other assignment on Canvas.
• Please review the feedback you receive from Turnitin and make any necessary edits before final submittal.
• The grading rubric can be found on page 15 of your syllabus.
• Your Critical Analysis is worth 12.5% of your grade (or 125 points).
Your critical analysis should be:
• between 3-4 pages in length, not including title or reference page (about 650-800 words)
• APA format,
• double spaced,
• font size 12, Times New Roman
• 1” margins
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