Clinical data standards are an essential component in sharing accurate clinical data between information systems (The American Health Information Management Association, 2018). These specifications specify what information/data must be compiled, how the collected information must be interpreted, and how the data must be configured for data sharing internally and externally. Before introducing the electronic health record and health information exchange framework that supports the interoperability application that needs to be implemented into the system, these standards must be developed and circulated within the healthcare systems for proper use. The networking, Interoperability, and data sharing will all be supported by this platform. Electronic health information interoperability has been broken down into four standards such as Content standard, Transport standard, Terminology/Vocabulary, privacy, and security standard (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2021). The structure and arrangement of electronic message content and standard data sets for message forms. The format of messages sent between computer systems, paper design, clinical models, user interface, and patient data linkage are examples of transportation. Effective communication is the capacity of a sender and receiver of information to represent concepts clearly and precisely. To safeguard an individual’s or organization’s right to control what, when, by whom, and for what reason their protected health information is obtained, accessed, used, or released. Safety refers to collecting administrative, physical, and technical steps taken to safeguard the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of health data.
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