Change Theory in Healthcare

Healthcare is often described as an ever-changing environment, requiring nurses to be flexible while providing evidence-driven quality care. As baccalaureate nurses you will engage in committee work, community projects, and workplace opportunities to develop and implement plans for change. This assignment will promote further reflection on a change you observed, or participated in, and will draw your attention to change theories and online resources that may have been helpful or utilized in the change process. The student will utilize the change theory, and the online resource to review the change that occurred, and to propose improvement in the change process.

Assignment Instructions: This Writing Assignment is worth 10% of the final grade.

  1. Consider a change that has occurred in your work setting, community, or another setting of interest.

  2. Identify one topic: perhaps new technology, infectious control improvements, food insecurity, patient admission process, patient safety, healthcare outcomes, time management, or any change that is occurring or has recently occurred.

  3. Review the Change Theory Folder (in Assignments) and identify which change theory/method (Lewin’s or PDSA) best describes your identified change process. Include how resistance to change was or was not addressed. If neither theory seems to apply to how your “change” occurred, still select one of the theories, recognize the gaps in the process, and how this change process could be improved.
  • Refer to the Online Resources for Quality Evaluation (see below), and review a few of the resources. Select one online resource which would be a helpful resource to assist with the change process.
  • Utilize a professional writing style which demonstrates reflection on the topic, explain how this online resource could be utilized to support the proposed change (or change already in progress).
  • Use APA 7th ed. writing style including cover page, in-text citations, and a Reference list.  
  • The writing assignment should be 2-3 pages in length (see next page for grading rubric).

Resources for this writing assignment:

1. Online Resources for Quality Evaluation (review these resources and select one)
     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

     Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence Based Handbook for Nurses

     Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

     National Quality Forum

     National Institutes for Health (NIH)

2. Change Theories (Attached)

Intentional rounding PDSA.pdf

Lewin’s Change Theory.pdf

Lewin’s theory of change.pdf

Robinson PDSA.pdf  

Academic Integrity Statement:
This assignment requires the student to read provided articles, research web-based resources, and synthesize these findings into a written assignment. This assignment will be your individual work, on a self-selected topic, that is of interest to you. In order to demonstrate academic integrity, submit an assignment that best demonstrates the knowledge gained from the resources, adherence to APA references and citations, and a professional writing style.

Grading rubric: GuidelinesPoints
Change is clearly identified and described.
Refer to instructions #1 and #2
20 points
Select one change theory/method and apply it to your change. Identify where the theory clearly aligned with the change process, if there were any gaps, and how the change process could have been improved.
Refer to instructions #3
30 points
One online resource is identified and utilized to further support the proposed change.
Consider how the change process could have been improved, and integrate the findings from one online resource that could further support the change process.
Refer to instruction #4 and #5
20 points
Writing style demonstrates professional writing style, correct spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. For this paper you are referring to a personal experience so it is acceptable and most accurate to write in the first person.
Refer to instruction #6 and #7
20 points
APA writing style is used including title page, in-text citations, and reference list.
This course utilizes the APA 7th Edition.
10 points
 100 points

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