Business Strategy

This assignment worth 100% of the course marks, so I want the best writer and the best effort in this assignment, don’t write unnecessary and unimportant information, make every word count and do your very best. You can put tables and graphs if you want to explain better and take advantage of this, as they are not counted in the word count.

  • Word Counts: (Total 2700 to 2750 ) (Tables and graphs are not included in the world count)
  • Reference: ( 20 References )
  • Style: Harvard Referencing Style.

Your task is to write a reflective piece on the TWO below Topics.
Reflective means that you not only need to describe the concepts but also and more importantly, you need to be critical about them and comment on their applicability to current and future organisational effectiveness.

The TWO Topics are:
1) Agile Methodology
2) Business Model Innovation

Make sure to write about the same word count for each topic equally. Don’t write a lot about one topic and then write few things about the other topic as the doctor will lower the grade for that. Also, do not make a long introduction as I have put the number of words next to each section in the structure of the paper in the next page.

Paper Structure (Total 2700 to 2750 words)
 Introduction (200 words)

 Part 1 – Theory Review
• Stage 1.1:- (470 words)

Discuss Agile Methodology, show your knowledge about it by explicitly articulating its key concepts, framework, logic, assumption, limitation, etc.
• Stage 1.2: (470 words)
Discuss Business Model Innovation, show your knowledge about it by explicitly articulating its key concepts, framework, logic, assumption, limitation, etc.

 Part 2 – Theory Application
• Stage 2.1: (400 words)
Use only Agile Methodology perspective to identify an empirical problem in your organization or another organization you know.
(Example: You can use Agile to identify a problem in your organization (slow implementation of new computer system, but I should find a better example than this one because it is from the Doctor)
• Stage 2.2: (400 words)
Please justify why the problem is important, relevant, and interesting.
(Example: it is impacting customer service and sales, but I should find a better example than this one because it is from the Doctor)
• Stage 2.3: (610 words)
Please use the selected theory in (Agile Methodology)) to (a) develop your analytic framework, (b) propose, a few solutions with estimated outcomes, and (c) discuss your analyses’ managerial or practical implications.
(Example You now use Agile framework to analyse the problem, suggest solution and practical implications)

 Conclusion (200 words)
At the end of the conclusion you can put a table to compare Agile Methodology and Business Model Innovation (Tables are not included in the word count)

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