Business Performance Planning

Assignment Overview

Type:  Individual Project

Unit:  Business Performance Planning

Grading Type:  Numeric

Points Possible:  100

Deliverable Length:  Word document of 4–5 pages (excluding references and cover page)

Assignment Description

In addition to the Business Intelligence Development Plan template including section headings (project outline), you should submit a Business Performance Plan section of 4–5 pages that includes the following for the case study organization:

  • Using the major business performance management (BPM) processes, describe the general process of how the case study organization will collect data that are relevant to the following:
    • Strategize
    • Plan
    • Monitor
    • Act and adjust
  • Describe specifically how the organization will formulate a business performance plan, as follows:
    • Conduct a current situation analysis.
    • Determine the planning horizon.
    • Conduct an environmental scan.
    • Identify critical success factors.
    • Complete a gap analysis.
    • Create a strategic vision.
    • Develop a business strategy.
    • Identify strategic objectives and goals.
  • All sources should be cited both in-text and in the References section using APA format.
  • Name the document “yourname_IT415_IP2.doc.”

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