Business Case for Change

  • As a leader, we need to be effective instilling a change mindset in the culture of an organization. Identifying, promoting and managing change should be an intrinsic attitude of every member of the organization. This assignment asks you to establish the contextual framework for identifying a need and formulating a business case for change within your organization. This assignment requests designing a business case for change, which is the first stage formulating a change management proposal.
  • Should conduct a review of relevant literature about the chosen issue/problem. Discuss the nature of the issue/problem and give thorough examples of its significance, and the effects on the organization’s success/growth. Based on the reviewed literature, present feasible solutions. 

This is a group project, and my sections are below:

The Case for Change.

Discuss the business case for change, you may use the issue/problem discussed on assignment one, or a new one based on the team’s discussions. Should demonstrate the needs for change (i.e., relevance, magnitude, effects on the business/organization performance) supporting the information with evidence from the literature. This section should conclude with the vision of the change project (i.e., visualize the transformation expected with the change project). Problem: The ethical issue with the workplace environment at Amazon.

Change Model. 

Select the model for change, which best suits your project bearing in mind all the previous information (i.e., characteristics of the business/organization, the nature and vision of your case for change). Should introduce the model, with brief background information (i.e., who coined/developed it, and its characteristics). You should further explain why the selected model suits your change project.  Please use Lewin’s Change Model

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