Autism Case Study

This assignment is designed in order to provide you with the opportunity to apply the knowledge you have gained in understanding the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to a specific disorder in a case study type scenario. In addition to assessing the DSM criteria and applying the DSM to a specific disorder, you will answer questions pertaining to treatment, clinical skills needed for successful therapy, therapeutic goals, and assessment tools. You will complete the Autism Case Study Assignment by providing your answers to the case study questions on the provided Autism Case Study Template Word document. Refer to the information about the case via the link to the video titled Watch: Autism Spectrum Disorder – Subject Expert Analysis Series, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Moderate with Expert Analysis in the Learn section. Utilize the video, the DSM criteria, the class textbook as needed, and the Bible to answer the questions.

• DSM Application: List the DSM criteria for autism spectrum disorder. Next to each criterion, detail the specific symptoms that match Daniel’s symptoms. The DSM application should be thoughtful, thorough and detailed. If no symptoms match a particular criterion, write N/A next to that criterion. (8 points)
• Assessment Question: (15 points, 200 words minimum required)
• Bible Application: Include a Bible verse and application. Cite the Bible verse in APA format. (5 points, 75 words minimum required)
• Correct spelling, grammar, and APA format: (12 points)

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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