Assessment 2 Written assignment: Managing People

Module Learning Outcomes (from module syllabus)

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the business environment within which personnel professionals work and analyse how the management of resourcing an organisation is influenced by internal and external factors.


PART 1: 1000 words

Referring to the current CIPD Profession Map:
(a) Explain how important these behaviours are for effective HR professionals working in the UK.
(b) Explain to what extent that this map could be applied to HR professionals working on a global scale regardless of sectors and sizes of organisations.

PART 2: 1000 words

The report by CIPD, “Labour market outlook-winter 21/22”, revealed that:
“Almost half of employers (46%) have hard-to-fill vacancies, which is similar to the last quarter (47%). When looking only at employers with vacancies, this figure rises to three-quarters (75%).
Hard-to-fill vacancies were reported by 53% of employers in the public sector, 45% in the private sector, and 41% in the voluntary sector. Hard-to-fill vacancies are most common in healthcare (64%), public administration and other public sector (52%), and construction (51%).” Source:

(a) Explain why do public sector in the UK is facing skills shortages despite the high unemployment rate.
(b) Identify and discuss long-term labour market developments to address the skills shortages in healthcare sector professions in the UK.

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