Assessment 2 Reflective Journal

You are to write a reflective journal based on your 8 weeks experience on the simulation exercise. The simulation runs from Week 3 to week 10 inclusive. Your journal should be a reflection on each of the weeks. Your reflection should look at the decisions made each week, how they were formed, the results of those decisions and how you used this information to make the following week decisions. Your reflection should include any strategic tools that you used to form your decisions. You should also include reflection on how you worked as a team. This written piece of work should be no longer than 1800 words, excluded from the word count are any diagrams, charts or tables used.

Assessed intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate coherent and detailed knowledge and understanding of strategic management within a global and sustainable context.
  2. Explain, critically analyse and evaluate conceptual frameworks, models and theories to aid strategic analysis and decision making
  3. Identify strategic problems and issues facing a range of organizational types and situations
  4. Generate and evaluate strategic actions and solutions to problems within complex and unpredictable environments.
    Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes
    On completion the student will have had the opportunity to:
  5. Engage in debate about strategy and communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively from a theoretical and a practical standpoint.
  6. Extend their ability to research, analyse and interpret qualitative and quantitative data from a wide range of sources.
  7. Consolidate cognitive skills in critical analysis and evaluation.
  8. Identify and solve open-ended business problems involving the creation and assessment of alternative solutions.

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
On completion of the module, the student will have had the opportunity to/will be able to:

  1. Seek new opportunities and demonstrate resilience and accountability;
  2. Seek and value the views of others;
  3. Be creative, innovative and enterprising when seeking solutions to business problems that are ethical, sustainable and responsible;
  4. Act in a legal and socially appropriate manner;
  5. Plan and manage personal development effectively at an individual level (time, behaviour and motivation) as part of a team (leadership, influencing and project managing).

Module Aims

  1. To acquire an organization-wide perspective through exploring strategy techniques and processes within the global environment.
  2. To prepare students for a career in business and management and to develop the next generation manager.
  3. To allow students to apply the knowledge and understanding of strategy to a variety of real world organizations.

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