Aspect of Chemistry

Write an essay of 1500 words, giving credible references on “A review of research work conducted in chemistry and its use in real-life applications.”

The first step is to select a research paper in chemistry published in any recognized, professional journal, such as the American Chemical Society or the Royal Society of Chemistry. The selected research paper should describe the development of any aspect of chemistry that can be used in real-life applications. After reading the paper, make notes on the method, research type, and results. Your essay can be based on the research paper you read. You must review the work done by researchers and link the work and its uses to two or more fields other than chemistry and elaborate on the real-life application/s. This is known as the multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary analysis of research.

Remember to follow the APA style and give at least five references. You can access the correct APA format by visiting the following website:

Please note the following information on plagiarism. The percentage should NOT be more than 25%.

Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. According to Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, plagiarism is “to steal and pass off as one’s own” the ideas, words, or work of another person. Any student who plagiarizes or who practices any other form of academic dishonesty will be given a 0 on the paper or assignment and can be given the grade of F for the course.

What is Plagiarism?

When a student uses the words or ideas of an Internet page without giving that page credit (through citing, or quotation marks, or through a Works Cited page), he is committing plagiarism. When a student uses the words or ideas of an online database without giving that database credit (through citing, or quotation marks, or through a Works Cited page), he is committing plagiarism. When a student uses the words or ideas of a print magazine or journal without giving that magazine or journal credit (through citing, or quotation marks, or through a Works Cited page), he is committing plagiarism. When a student uses words or ideas of another student without giving that student credit (through citing, or quotation marks, or through a Works Cited pag), he is committing plagiarism.

What Are the Kinds of Plagiarism?

There are many kinds of plagiarism; they include using someone else’s paper using parts of someone else’s paper quoting but not using a citation quoting too closely, without quotation marks, but with citation changing words around but not giving a citation using material from the Internet, thinking that the Internet is free so the information is there for the taking reading work on the Internet but not giving a citation.

Using someone else’s paper, whether it is a friend’s paper or a paper from a pay site is dishonest. It is plagiarism. Using parts of someone else’s paper is dishonest. It is not your work. It is plagiarism.

Papers, answers to the questions, and essays written in journals and on the Internet are the work of someone else. They are the intellectual property of someone else. Taking them and using them without quotations or citation or documentation is a theft of intellectual property. If, for example, you were employed by XYZ Corporation and a co-worker’s report was sitting on her desk, would you take it and hand it to your boss as your work? Hopefully, the answer is no. But using Internet sources, journal articles, and someone else’s work and handing it in as your own is the same practice: it is theft of intellectual property, plagiarism.

Quoting parts of a paper found on the Internet or in journals without using quotation marks and citations is plagiarism.

Changing words around but keeping the idea of the original without a citation is plagiarism

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