Artificial Intelligence

INSTRUCTIONS: You are to role-play an independent consultant for this assignment. Research artificial intelligence (AI) and how it can be implemented into Kibby and Strand’s (fictitious clothing company) operational processes and products. Prepare your submission as a combination impact study and recommendation paper.
There is no minimum or maximum in terms of the word count; however, the response should explicitly address all required components of this discussion assignment. The document should be prepared consistent with the APA writing style and reflect higher-level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and or evaluation).
You are writing an impact study to inform senior management of Kibby and Strand how the organization can leverage AI in its operational processes and the textile products it sells. I recommend you create the following sections: Purpose, Background, Analysis, Impacts, and Recommendations. The Background is where you look at how manufacturing and marketing uses AI, as well as how AI is being integrated into textiles products, The Background is based on research and you will need several sources to cover manufacturing, marketing, and customer support of textile products. The Analysis section is where you analyze the research in the Background, and Impacts is where you state the impacts you identified in your analysis. Number your impacts and there should be a clear linkage between analysis, impacts, and recommendations. By that I mean is every impact needs to be supported in the analysis section, and each impact needs to be addressed in recommendations. Going backwards, if I look at a recommendation it should state which impact it is addressing, and I should be able to take that impact and see how you arrived at it in your analysis.
Below is a recommended layout for your week 3 impact study.
Impact Study of Artificial Intelligence on Kibby and Strand Operations
Background and Purpose of Study

  • Summary of Kibby and Strand operations
    — included mission statement, goals, and objectives (this you did in week 1)
  • Purpose of study is to identify operational functions of Kibby and Strand where AI can help achieve goals and objectives
    Research and Analysis
  • write down research questions
  • review textbook (probably will not be much help for this study)
  • look for 3-5 peer reviewed journal articles on using AI in marketing, production, and customer support
  • analyze the research and look for ways Kibby and Strand might utilize AI
    List Impacts
  • using the analysis list possible impacts to Kibby and Strand operations if they ignore or implement AI. These can be positive and negative impacts.
    List Recommendations
  • Every impact should be addressed in Recommendations, even if the recommendation is to do nothing.
  • Any negative impacts should be addressed in recommendations to include the risk if Kibby and Strand does not use AI in an operational task, e.g. what happens if AI is not integrated into marketing or manufacturing?
    When you finish, every recommendation needs to address a specific impact and each impact is supported in the Research and Analysis section. Look for peer-reviewed journal articles to supplement any business articles you plan to use. State the impact AI is having on manufacturing and the textile industry in particular, and provide recommendations that are research-based on how to integrate AI.
    The key is your recommendations need to be validated in the analysis. Every recommendation needs to be supported by the analysis found. Having a strong analysis section that utilizes research will validate your recommendations, and make them easier to explain if questioned.

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