Are You Here to Fix Me?

M3.A4: Community Discussion 2 – Respond to “Are You Here to Fix Me?”

  1. What techniques were used to set a tone of respect, warmth, and unconditional positive regard toward the client?
  2. What seemed to work well in this initial interview with the client and why do you think it worked well?
  3. Did you notice anything that didn’t seem to go well or that you might do differently as the provider?
  4. Describe three techniques that you might use to establish trust and rapport in the beginning stages of a helping relationship as a Clinician.
  5. Based on the literature and course materials, what are the most important goals of an initial session?

The Community Discussions Board is an active learning opportunity where you will reflect on course content and process your learning with other students. This board is not simply an “opinion board.” Rather, it is a mechanism for you to engage with your peers as you dissect and synthesize course content. That said, please make sure that your original post contains a minimum of two citations from peer-reviewed resources, one of which may be from a textbook or other course material. These sources should be listed at the bottom of your post. In addition, please make sure that your post adheres to APA style and formatting.

Your discussion board post should be approximately 500–700 words.

Course material listed below to assist with this assignment. The clinical interviewing intake, assessment & therapeutic alliance also have a transcript for the video.

Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan. R. (2014). CLINICAL INTERVIEWING: INTAKE, ASSESSMENT & THERAPEUTIC ALLIANCE. VCU. Retrieved September 10, 2021, from

Walsh, J. (2015). Theories for direct social work practice (3rd ed., pp.20-21). Belmont, CA: Thompson. Brooks/Cole. ISBN: 978-1285750224

Hepworth, D. (2016). Direct social work practice (10th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage. ISBN:978-0840028648

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