Written Communication: Writing an Email

Assessment 2 Instructions: Written Communication: Writing an Email

Write an email that includes information relevant for a specific audience and purpose.


You would not begin a road trip without a destination in mind. The destination gives you a goal, helps you plan how to get there, and lets you know when you have arrived. The same is true for writing. Whenever you write anything, whether it is an email to your boss or a text to your best friend, you have to understand your destination. Where is your writing taking you, and what are you trying to accomplish? Are you creating a simple grocery list or outlining the reasons you should be promoted? In other words, what is your purpose?

For this assessment, you will use what you have learned about professional written communication to write a professional email message that includes information relevant for a specific purpose, emphasizes important points using style mechanics, and uses appropriate tone and language for a specific audience.


For this assessment, you will show that you can use the four components of written communication—purpose, audience, tone, and structure—to write an email. You will do this by using what you have learned about professional written communication to write a professional email message that includes information relevant for a specific audience and purpose, emphasizes important points using style mechanics, and uses appropriate tone and language for a specific audience.


Revisit the scenario and voicemail message from your manager that you used to complete Assessment 1.

Review the worksheet in which you assessed the main points of your manager’s voicemail in Assessment 1.

Based on these, write an email message to the client, specifically Sara Robins at Printables, using the Email Template [DOCX]. Delete any instructions and headings before submission.

Use the four components of written communication—purpose, audience, tone, and structure—to write your email.

State the purpose of the email.

Address the appropriate audience.

Use a professional tone.

Follow the structure in the Email Template [DOCX].

Once you write your email, review and edit your message to make sure:

It includes information relevant to the customer.

It emphasizes important points using style mechanics common in professional writing.

It uses professional language and tone appropriate for a response to an important customer.

Evaluate your email and how Sara would react by completing the Six Ws Worksheet for Assessment 2 [DOCX]. If needed, edit your email.

Submit your email, along with your completed Six Ws Worksheet for Assessment 2 [DOCX] worksheet.


Format: Use the Email Template [DOCX]. Refer to figure 8.3 on page 231 of your Excellence in Business Communication textbook for an example. Use Calibri 12-point font.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Interpret a speaker’s message to develop an appropriate response.

Evaluate an email and anticipate audience reactions by considering the Six Ws of communication.

Competency 2: Develop professional written communications in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Describe the purpose of an email and provide background information.

Address the appropriate audience, using professional language and tone.

Write concisely and directly, using active voice.

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