Required Textbooks
- Anfara, V. A., Jr. & Mertz, N. T. (Eds.). (2014). Theoretical frameworks in qualitative research (2nd ed.). Sage. ISBN-13: 9781452282435
- Bloomberg, L. D. & Volpe, M. (2018). Completing your qualitative dissertation: A roadmap from beginning to end (4th ed.). Sage. ISBN-13: 9781544336527
- Leavy, P. (2017). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research approaches. Guilford. ISBN-13: 9781462514380
Recommended Textbooks
- Flick, U. (2018). The Sage handbook of qualitative data collection. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Krueger, R. A., & Casey, M. A. (2014). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research (5th ed.). Sage. ISBN-13: 9781483365244
- Kuckartz, U. (2014). Qualitative text analysis: A guide to methods, practice, and using software. Sage. ISBN-13: 9781446267752
- Merriam, S. D. & Tisdell, E. (2016). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass. ISBN-13: 9781119003618
- Mertler, C. A. (Ed.). (2019). The Wiley handbook of action research in education. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
- Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2019). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook (4th ed.). Sage. ISBN-13: 9781506353074
- Seidman, I. (2019). Interviewing as qualitative research (5th ed.). Teachers College Press. ISBN-13: 9780807761489
- Leavy
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Research (p. 3-22)
- Chapter 2: Ethics in Social Research (pp. 23-53)
- Chapter 3: Getting started designing a project (pp. 54-83)
- Bloomberg & Volpe
- Chapters 1: A complete dissertation: The big picture (pp. 3-22);
- Chapter 3: Choosing a qualitative research approach (pp. 54-83)
- Chapter 6: Introduction to your study (pp. 122-127)
- Dr. Grigoraskos, European International University: What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?
- Margaret Riel, retired professor from Pepperdine University. Margaret has created a free, open, online course in action research.
Recommended Readings
- Bloomberg & Volpe’s companion website for their text:
W1 Discussion: Exploring the development of a qualitative dissertation methodology chapter
In chapter 1 of Bloomberg and Volpe’s text, the authors outlined the various components of a dissertation chapter 3: methodology. If you’ve looked ahead, you know that we want you to draft a mock chapter 3 as the major assignment of this course. As you review the components outlined by the authors, and as you peruse your dissertation content support guidelines (in the recommended readings for this module), carefully read each component.
- Which component seems the most challenging to you, and why?
- List at least three foundational resources for a qualitative design choice that can help you with your challenge (see recommended resources list).
- Which component seems the easiest of most logical to you, and why?
Write your discussion post in about 300 words to cover all elements.
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