The Reasons for Early Christian Persecution


Please read the instructions for each essay thoroughly, so that you know the issues that need to be addressed. You do not need to do extensive research or reading to complete this assignment, although it may require a small amount of exploration. Essay assignment must be 200-250 words and needs to include the word count in parentheses. Use your own words as much as possible, but if you include sources, you must cite your sources in current APA format. Also, I would suggest that you look over the Grading Rubric before you submit your assignment.


Essay: The Reasons for Early Christian Persecution Assignment

After you have viewed the presentation “How Should We Then Live” by Dr. Francis Schaeffer in Module 5: Week 5, address the following prompt: In ancient Roman culture Christians were marginalized and in many cases persecuted. Give examples of some of this that you saw in the video. Also, answer the following: We see similar instances of this type of  marginalization and persecution within America and around the world today. Please give some examples of this and also why this persecution occurs.

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