Sustainable Development Goals Case Study

For your case study, you will develop a Global Social Impact Report. You will analyze the sustainability initiatives linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations and specifically applied to the airline industry. You can choose any international airlines that you wish to analyze for this report. You have been hired by their leadership team to take an integrated management approach that addresses the sustainability initiatives of the company. See the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Case Study(DOCX) an overview of the formatting requirements including the tables needed for the assignment.  

Develop a Global Social Impact Report that outlines the following:

  1. Overview of the company that includes the current mission and vision statements
  2. A new vision for sustainability, environmental, and community engagement
  3. A mapping of the operations using a minimum of four SDGs
  4. Current sustainability initiatives of the airlines
  5. Economic analysis (see examples of topics from table 1)
  6. Social analysis (see examples of topics from table 1)
  7. Environmental analysis (see examples of topics from table 1)

Attached are the instructions and the Sustainable Development Goals Case Study overview.

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