Overview of assignment:
For the final project you will write a report on a design that contributes to a more sustainable world. Choose one of the domains from the semester (food, water, linear supply chain, waste disposal, energy, structure, or landscaping) and demonstrate how the design works and impacts humans and the biogeochemical cycles. The design can be in existence or one you invent. If you report on a design that exists (such as public transportation) demonstrate the improvement that creates a more sustainable system.
For example: green roofs reduce the impact of tradition roofs. Solar energy reduces the impact of burning fossil fuels. Electric cars can reduce the impact of tradition vehicles. Local/organic farms can reduce the impact of conventional agriculture.
The final project includes a Narrative Paper (15 points) and a PowerPoint (15 points). See below assignment description for details on each of these components.
The Narrative Paper should be 3 pages (not to exceed 4 pages) plus references, single spaced 12- point font. The PowerPoint is a demonstration of the design and its mechanics and should be 10 slides including a title slide and references slide. The assignment description below indicates the content for each section, as well as expected formatting. Please bold in your paper the items that are bold below.
Assignment Breakdown:
● Section 1: The Idea (design can be in existence or your own design/concept)
○ The project idea is: (1 point)
○ This design is necessary because: (1 point)
● Section 2: Concepts and Laws (2 point)
○ Laws of Thermodynamics/Laws of Matter
○ Design’s impact relative to laws of matter and energy:
◆ State the first two laws of thermodynamics and describe how matter is cycled in this design
○ Section 3: How Design Improves upon Existing Design – ecologically, economically, socially at least 3 sentences describing each domain
◆ This design impacts ecologic integrity by: (2 points)
◆ Include at least 1 biogeochemical cycle
◆ Include impact of design on biodiversity
◆ This design’s economic impact is: (1 point)
◆ What is the nature and the extent (local/global) or economic impact
◆ This design impacts human communities by: (1 point)
◆ Is there a social justice issue addressed by this design? Who is impacted?
◆ Section 5: Research and Development (3 points)
◆ Three other examples of this sustainable design are:
◆ Share 3 examples of similar designs, including their locations and a short descriptive paragraph for each.
◆ Section G: Conclusion
◆ This design can be integrated into a sustainable future by: (1 point)
◆ Potential integration of design locally, regionally, and/or globally
◆ Realistic growth potential of this design is:
◆ Potential limitations to implementing this design are: (1 point)
◆ This design can be supported and/or promoted by: (1 point)
◆ Section 7: References (1 points)
◆ Includes at least G peer reviewed references (if available) that support the science behind the design. Acceptable sources include peer review journal articles or scholarly books. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special- interest sources and popular literature are acceptable if they are cited. Acceptable websites are sources ending in .gov, .org,
and .edu.
● Section 4: This section is the PowerPoint (15 points)
○ Demonstration of the design
○ Full visual description of how the design works
○ Include description of mechanics of design within the PowerPoint
○ This slide deck should be 10 slides including a title slide and references slide
The narrative should only be 3 pages. The remaining are for the PowerPoint design information. I will put this into a PowerPoint myself. Please use a bullet format with related titles. This information will be spread across 8 PowerPoint slides. Please try to use same references as narrative
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