Sustainability of the DNP Project

Dear Writer,
Please write one page paper addressing the highlighted questions below.
Please use 3 separate scholarly resources within 5 years to support the paper.

Sustainability of the DNP Project
The purpose of this discussion is to examine barriers to the sustainability of your DNP practice change project.


  1. Examine barriers to the sustainability of your DNP practice change project within your practicum site.
  2. Appraise how the barriers may be overcome to ensure the continuality of your DNP practice change project.

Notes from course
Project Sustainability
The sustainability of your DNP practice change project is crucial to the continuance of the great work that was accomplished during your project implementation. Your evidence-based intervention should be ongoing to prevent the identified gap in practice from returning and/or escalating, thereby negatively impacting the organization. Without sustainability of your DNP practice change project, the organization is at risk of returning to a pre-implementation state. As you prepare to share the results of your DNP project with your stakeholders, it will be crucial to emphasize the importance of sustaining the evidence-based intervention and evaluating the outcomes through a lens of continual quality improvement.

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