
Each question is worth 5 points (20 points total).

The purpose of this assignment is two-fold:

  1. To gain a deep understanding of survey research as a method of data collection
  2. To become better technical, formal and academic writers. I am asking you to read and write/summarize some pages from the textbook.
  3. Make sure to follow instructions below (which is one of the skills you are learning in this course).
  • Answer all four questions below.
  • Include the questions and type in the answers. That makes your assignment more organized and well put-together.
  • Please single space your assignment (easier for me to read and grade).
  • The same rule applies here as we followed for the previous assignments; Make sure to write your answers well. The writing style is formal and academic. That means, stick with the facts, explain critically and in depth. Stay away from your personal interpretations and opinions.

Please read chapters from Babbie ‘Surveys’ (both placed on Bb). Bhattacherjee’s chapter 16 (on Surveys) is supplementary material for your review.

  • Question 1) In a paragraph or more, summarize the section titled, “Topics Appropriate for Survey Research’ (pages 254-255]
  • Question 2) In a paragraph or more, summarize the section titled “Guidelines for Asking Questions” [pages 255-262].
  • Question 3) In a paragraph or more, summarize the section titled “Questionnaire Construction” [pages 262-264]
  • Question 4) In a paragraph or more, summarize the section titled “Strengths and Weaknesses of Survey Research” [pages 287-288]

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