Spiritual Disciplines



The spiritual disciplines are at the heart of the Gospel, calling us to “pursue godliness…out of gratitude for the grace that has saved us” (Whitney 2014, x). The spiritual disciplines were practiced by our Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles and transformed His disciples into His glorious image. It is important to note that one’s spiritual transformation into the image of Jesus Christ (Rom. 12:1-2) is in direct proportion to the practice of the spiritual disciplines.
Following the assigned readings, presentations, and daily observations, reflect on how you practice the specific spiritual disciplines listed in the Student’s Log assignment title of the assigned module: week. The specific spiritual disciplines to reflect upon are also listed below.
• Write a minimum of 300 words.
• In first-person, as this is a personal student’s log entry.
• Incorporate at least 2 scholarly citations and 3 biblical integrations.
• Use Turabian format and include a title page, footnotes, and a bibliography. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Student’s Log: Bible Study, Meditation, and Prayer Assignment
Following the assigned readings, presentations, and daily observations, reflect on how you practice Bible Study, Meditation, and Prayer.

Student’s Log: Worship and Evangelism Assignment
Following the assigned readings, presentations, and daily observations, reflect on how you practice Worship and Evangelism.

Student’s Log: Service, Stewardship, Fasting, and Silence Assignment
Following the assigned readings, presentations, and daily observations, reflect on how you practice Stewardship, Fasting, Silence and Solitude.

Student’s Log: Journaling and Perseverance Assignment
Following the assigned readings, presentations, and daily observations, reflect on how you practice Journaling and Perseverance.

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