Self-Assessment Process

For this assignment, you will begin by completing the Self-Assessment Activity.
PDF version of the Self-Assessment Activity
From this self-assessment, address the information below in your essay.

  • What was your score for the 6-month category and the 12-month category? What types of events and common stressors qualified as stressors in your life? What types of events and common stressors qualified as stressors in the workplace?
  • How can you apply stress-reducing techniques in the workplace and in your personal life to help reduce your level of stress?
  • Describe a mitigation plan you can use when you encounter stressful situations in the future.
  • Think of a time in your workplace where diversity or ethics were in the spotlight. Was this more or less stressful for you and the organization?
    Your paper should be a minimum of two pages in length. Use your textbook and at least one outside resource to support your essay.
    Please include in-text citations within your essay and a references page at the end, both in APA Style formatting.

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