School Community Involvement

General Instructions

Objective: The student will research and analyze school community involvement best practices in today’s schools that would promote partnerships with families and communities that value and support academic learning and positive social and emotional development. Use at least five current resources.


• The candidate will create a slide presentation that could be used to educate his/her faculty and staff concerning school community involvement best practices that promote adult-student, student-peer, and school-community relationships that value and support academic learning and positive social and emotional development.
• The presentation should include a title/introduction slide (1 slide), an overview of the best practices in school community involvement with attention to diversity policy implementations, supporting student learning in and out of school, using the school as a resource, building partnerships with public and private sectors to promote school improvement and student learning, and how to seek, acquire, and manage resources to support learning (10 slides), and a reference slide (1 slide using APA 7th edition format).
• The candidate will post his/her slide presentation to the Discussion Board for classmate review.

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