RFID & NFC Chip Technology for Humans in Healthcare

Week 7: Signature Assignment – RFID & NFC Chip Technology for Humans in Healthcare Paper

Assignment Prompt

In this formal paper, discuss the implications of implanted radio frequency identification (RFID) and Near-Field Communication (NFC) chip technology for humans in healthcare.

Discuss and include the following content in your signature assignment paper:

  • An introduction to the material.
  • The controversy related to use of RFID and NFC in humans.
  • The current and future contributions of companies in developing innovative healthcare products
  • The potential benefits for the development of nanotechnology use in healthcare.
  • The potential ethical and legal implications associated with the development of selected innovations in patient care technologies.
  • A conclusion to the material


Title Page: 1

Length: 9 pages

Reference Page: 1

Number of references: 9 reference (5 years or less)

Format: Formal APA 7th ed. formatting

Citations & References: In-text and reference page citations; a minimum of nine (9) scholarly, credible reference citations cited in APA 7th ed. and including recent (no older than five years). Include citations for peer-reviewed, credible nursing and healthcare journal articles, credible professional organizations and governmental sources. 

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