Research Objectives, Research Questions, and Hypotheses

Senior leadership at Sun Coast has identified several areas for concern that they believe could be solved using business research methods. The previous director was tasked with conducting research to help provide information to make decisions about these issues. Although data were collected, the project was never completed. Senior leadership is interested in seeing the project through to fruition. The following is the completion of that project and includes the research objectives, research questions, and hypotheses. Research objectives, questions, and hypotheses imply the direction of a study by establishing the variables of the study and the relationship between among them (Miles et al., 2019). This section defines the research objectives and relate it to the questions and the hypotheses that complement the study findings (Bergin, 2018).
Objective One: The first objective of this study was to identify job-site particle pollution level at workplace and the health status of the employees. This is objective is intended to determine the extent in which job-site particle pollution is affect employee health.
Objective Two: The second identified objective of the study was to evaluate safety training effectiveness. This objective was intended to determine the impact of training expenditure on reducing lost-time hours.
Objective Three: The third objective of the study was to evaluate the sound-level exposure. This objective was intended to determine the impact of dB levels at various working locations.
Objective Four: The fourth objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of various employee health training programs. This objective was intended to determine if the revised training program is more effective than the prior training program.
Objective Five: The fifth objective of the study was to determine the effect of lead exposure. This objective was intended to determine if lead exposure increased blood levels among employees.
Objective Six: The sixth objective of the study was to determine if each line of service offers the same return on investment. This objective was intended to determine the difference in the return on investment for all lines of service.
From the objectives, research questions are established to ensure the purpose of the study is achieved. In this section, the objectives are aligned with the research questions and the null and alternative hypotheses.
RO1: To determine the impact of job-site particle pollution on employee health in various workstations.
RQ1: Is there a significant impact of job-site particle pollution on employee health in various workstations?
Ho1: There is no statistically significant impact of job-site particle pollution on employee health in various workstations.
Ha1: There is a statistically significant impact of job-site particle pollution on employee health in various workstations.
RO2: To determine the impact of training on reducing lost-time hours for training conducted for each new contract that is awarded to Sun Coast.
RQ2: Does training significantly reduce lost-time hours for training conducted for each new contract that is awarded to Sun Coast?

Ho2: Training does not significantly reduce lost-time hours for training conducted for each new contract that is awarded to Sun Coast.
Ha2: Training significantly reduces lost-time hours for training conducted for each new contract that is awarded to Sun Coast.
RO3: To determine the impact of dB levels at various working locations when placing employees on-site.
RQ3: Is there a significant impact of dB levels on determining various working locations when placing employees on-site?
Ho3: There is no significant impact of dB levels on determining various working locations when placing employees on-site.
Ha3: There is a significant impact of dB levels on determining various working locations when placing employees on-site.

RO4: To determine if the revised training program is more effective than the prior training program.
RQ4: Is the revised training program is more effective than the prior training program?
Ho4: The revised training program is not more effective than the prior training program.
Ha4: The revised training program is more effective than the prior training program.

RO5: To determine if lead exposure increased blood levels among employees.
RQ5: Does lead exposure lead to significant increase in blood levels among employees?

RO6: To determine the difference in the return on investment for all lines of service.
RQ6: What is the difference in the return on investment for all lines of service?
Ho6: There is no statistically significant difference in the return on investment for all lines of service.
Ha6: There is a statistically significant difference in the return on investment for all lines of service.

Bergin T. (2018). An introduction to data analysis: quantitative qualitative and mixed methods. SAGE Publications.
Miles M. B. Huberman A. M. & Saldaña Johnny. (2019). Qualitative data analysis: a methods sourcebook (3rd ed.). SAGE.

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