Regression Analysis Using SPSS

Download the Real Estate data file and open it up in SPSS.  Use a stepwise regression to predict the selling price in ‘000s of dollars, with all of the other variables potentially being independent variables.  In a Word document, describe the process that you used to get your results.  Which variables ended up being significant predictors of the selling price?  What is the regression equation?  Using the Cronk book as a model, provide interpretation and analysis of the regression coefficients and explain what they mean in terms of the effect of each IV on the DV.  What is the adjusted R squared value?  Provide interpretation and analysis of what that means.

SPSS Data Attached

In addition, you should create an addendum to your “cheat sheet” from Module 3 and include the following tests, what they can be used to show, and the requirements for their use:

Multiple discriminant analysis

Logistic regression

Canonical correlation

Module 3 Cheat Sheet is attached THEREFORE the additional info can be added:

Multiple discriminant analysis

Logistic regression

Canonical correlation

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