Public Health

Topic: Your choice … your public health program must be approved by your instructor (see Assignment 1 Evaluation Proposal). The program you will evaluate must relate to current public health issues. This final project is not a research paper though you will still have to do a literature review and you are required to use scholarly peer-reviewed references (see below).

Format: Defined headings related to pertinent sections of the paper, 1 inch margins, 12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman), double-spaced.
• Do not exceed 25 pages of narrative.
• Use tables, figures, diagrams as needed.
• Minimum of 10 scholarly peer-reviewed references.

Style: You may use APA or AMA style. Please keep in mind my hand-out “Writing and Presentation Tips” for proper use of grammar, punctuation, style, etc. etc.

1) Table of Contents (refer to KUMC Final Project Template on Blackboard)
2) Executive summary/abstract: 250 to 300 words – Abstract must include the following headers:
• Introduction
• Purpose and Objectives of Evaluation
• Methods
• Conclusion
3) At least three figures or tables
4) All headers explained under OUTLINE OF HEADERS/SECTIONS on next page

You will need to incorporate your two major course assignments (i.e., logic model and survey instrument) into your final project. As outlined below, there are additional requirements for the final project that you are completing as student-team assignments throughout the course of the semester. You will need to incorporate these assignments into your overall evaluation plan/final project accordingly.

Please remember that the items listed below are the elements I will expect to see in your final deliverable. In your paper, do not use numbers/letters to indicate sub-headers. You must use the headers indicated below (i.e., Background and Significance, Theoretical Foundation for Evaluation Plan, etc.). Each header below is followed by an explanation/description of its content so that you have a better idea of what each header should contain.

  • Final Paper/Project Guidelines


Introduction (this is where your review of the literature plays a key role)
• Provide a broad overview of the literature that provides evidence for the existence of your public health program – at the very minimum, this should include the following:
a. National/state statistics, numbers, etc. surrounding the need for the program
b. Who does the program serve and why?
c. What are the public health implications of the program?

Background and Significance (this is where your review of the literature plays a key role)
• Description of the organization
a. Include mission and vision statements
b. Goals and objectives of the organization
• Brief description of the program being evaluated – at the very minimum, this should include the following:
a. Background of target health issue
b. Statement of the problem to be addressed
c. Specific objectives of the proposed evaluation (i.e., what research question(s) are you addressing)
d. Statement of long-term goal
e. Any other relevant information related to the program being evaluated

Theoretical Foundation for Evaluation Plan (this is where your review of the literature plays a key role)
• Theory that supports the conceptualization of the evaluation plan:
a. Social Behavioral Health models
b. Other theoretical models (e.g., socioecological model, social cognitive theory, self- determination theory, etc.)
Note: Your Theory of Change is NOT the theoretical foundation for your evaluation plan. Your Theory of Change is associated with your Logic Model (see header below).

For this section, Theoretical Foundation for Evaluation Plan, please be sure to review a few of the examples posted on Blackboard. Essentially, I am looking for a theory or theoretical framework that supports your evaluation plan. For example, think of theoretical models such as the socio- ecological model, social cognitive theory, social behavioral health models, theory of planned behavior, health belief model, etc. etc. When you write this section, your review of the literature plays a key role.

Evaluation Plan
• Thorough description of the program being evaluated (this is where you should include and discuss your Logic Model and your Theory of Change)

PRVM 835 Evaluation Methods in Public Health – Final Paper/Project Guidelines

a. Target health issue
b. Program/intervention goals
c. Who benefits from the program, stakeholders
d. Evaluation design (e.g., pre/post, etc.)

Survey Instrument/Measures (this is where you should discuss your Survey Instrument, your survey instrument itself will be shown as an appendix, see header on next page)
a. Explain and describe what you will measure (i.e., your constructs), discuss number of survey items used to measure each construct, etc. (refer to the guidelines used to construct your survey instrument)
b. What will you need to collect to answer your evaluation questions, use of open- ended and/or closed-ended questions
c. How will you collect your data, describe proposed methodology

Statistical Analysis
a. Use of descriptive and/or inferential statistics
b. Type and explanation of analysis that you are proposing

Budget and Budget Justification
a. Proposed budget (in table format)
b. Staff and management hours required, materials and supplies, travel expenses (if needed), etc.
c. Members of the evaluation team
i. Who are they?
ii. Describe their role or function

Implementation of Evaluation Plan and Reporting
a. Timeline for proposed activities (include Gantt chart)
b. Monitoring plan
c. Reporting the findings

a. Implications for Public Health

References (at least 10 references)

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