Project Management Proposal

Select a current or past project with which you have been involved in your organization or community.

Prepare a project proposal form as shown in Figure 2.4A of Ch. 2 of Project Management for this project.

Address the following elements:

  • Project classification
  • Business problem
  • Alignment with organizational strategy to support project selection
  • Major deliverables by phases of the project life cycle
  • Project impact
  • Three major risks
  • Measure of success
  • Resource availability
  • Cost
  • Time frame

Include a brief description of the project that addresses the following:

  1. A description of how this project met the definition and characteristics of a project as defined in Ch. 1 of Project Management. Why would you consider it a project rather than day-to-day work?
  2. A description of how project management differs from program and portfolio management
  3. A description of the organizational structure, based on the structures discussed in Ch. 2 of Project Management
  4. An explanation of how this project fits within the organizational structure and culture
  5. An analysis of the pros and cons of the organizational structure in terms of project outcomes
  6. A description of the culture of the organization that includes concepts from Ch. 3 of Project Management. How did the cultural norms affect this project from a positive or negative perspective?

Format your project proposal form consistent with APA guidelines. Please, please, make this a flowing document that you would want to read if you were an executive. Don’t just plug in answers for the above. Make it work together. I would strongly encourage you to read your paper out loud (vs. silently) so that you can hear the flow.

Submit your assignment.Select a current or past project with which you have been involved in your organization or community.

Prepare a project proposal form as shown in Figure 2.4A of Ch. 2 of Project Management for this project.

Address the following elements:

  • Project classification
  • Business problem
  • Alignment with organizational strategy to support project selection
  • Major deliverables by phases of the project life cycle
  • Project impact
  • Three major risks
  • Measure of success
  • Resource availability
  • Cost
  • Time frame

Include a brief description of the project using no more than 525 words that addresses the following:

  1. A description of how this project met the definition and characteristics of a project as defined in Ch. 1 of Project Management. Why would you consider it a project rather than day-to-day work?
  2. A description of how project management differs from program and portfolio management
  3. A description of the organizational structure, based on the structures discussed in Ch. 2 of Project Management
  4. An explanation of how this project fits within the organizational structure and culture
  5. An analysis of the pros and cons of the organizational structure in terms of project outcomes
  6. A description of the culture of the organization that includes concepts from Ch. 3 of Project Management. How did the cultural norms affect this project from a positive or negative perspective?

Format your project proposal form consistent with APA guidelines.

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