Population Epidemiology

1. Explain the concepts of immunity, herd immunity, and incubation period as key concepts in epidemiology. (200 word min.)

2. Discuss disease outbreaks in a community, using the specific example of foodborne illness that is presented in your textbook.(200 word min.)

3. Explain the key objectives of epidemiology in advancing community health. For each objective, provide at least one practical example of its impact on community health.(200 word min.)

4. Investigation of acute disease outbreaks is a very important component of epidemiology practice. Please describe the steps involved in investing such an outbreak. Provide at least two examples of disease outbreaks that might be investigated in this manner. (300 word min.)

5. Explain key measures of morbidity, including cumulative incidence, attack rates, and person-time at risk.(200 word min.)

6. Discuss positive and negative predictive value in epidemiology. Why is this concept so important in our field? (200 word min.)

7. Explain key measures of mortality, including proportionate mortality and years of potential life lost. What can be learned from these specific measures? (200 word min.)

8. Direct age adjustment is a very important aspect of epidemiology, helping us to understand the true meaning of the mortality data that we study.(300 word min.) Read the information presented on pages 77-80 of your textbook and explain:

a. How do we perform direct age adjustment?

b. Why is this adjustment so important for interpretation of mortality data in our field?

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