Organization’s Structure and Culture

Choose a company for which you would like to work and conduct an analysis of that company. Your ultimate goal is to determine whether it is a good fit for you. You should focus on those aspects of the company that will allow you to meet personal goals while making a difference at work. You may adapt the assignment to an entrepreneurial activity you plan to pursue or to a career in the not-for-profit sector.

Elements your project should include:

Part I – An introduction that briefly describes the organization and the type of position you would like to pursue. Include a description of the products and services it offers, its business model (that is, how it makes or will make a profit or in the case of a not-for-profit organization, how it generates operating revenue),and how global the company’s reach is.

Part II – An analysis the different environments within the company Economic and legal environment
Technological environment Competitive environment Social and cultural environment Global environment

Part III – An analysis of the organization’s structure and culture. Upload the organization chart of the company you have selected and summarize the key aspects of the chart. Is there a hierarchy? Are there departments or divisions? Also, briefly describe the organization’s culture. That is, is the organizational culture formal or informal? What are the organization’s values? Is there a values statement?

Part IV –Prepare a SWOT analysis on yourself as well as the organization you have selected. You should identify your strengths (that is the areas in which you think you excel) and weaknesses (that is those areas in which you might not excel). Based on your strengths and weaknesses and based on your analysis of your chosen company, what opportunities would align well with your strengths? What challenges (threats) might you need to overcome?

When you have completed your SWOT chart, explain how someone with your strengths (i.e., skills and experience) would fit within this company. How would those weaknesses impact your goals? Do you think the company will meet your expectations with respect to what motivates you the most – for example: job content, organizational culture,, monetary rewards and benefits, the ability to lead a balanced life, autonomy, etc.

Part V – A concise concluding paragraph that briefly summarizes your findings.


Resources to help write the essay
*Information on my experiences, strengths, weaknesses, and career goals

What would you like to do more of / Interests

  1. Developing a diverse set of skills, exposure to business context to understand big picture in projects, and technical experience through project-by-project work
  2. Process improvement not just to make things more efficient, but to make other people’s jobs easier. So, process improvement that can have an impact on the business and the people.
  3. Getting exposed to the business side and actual purpose of the work. Seeing and being involved in the big picture.

Things from experience I’ve disliked / would not want to do again

  1. Super repetitive, tedious, and manual work with no sense of change / improvement in the future
  2. Bad work life balance

a. Bad hours ex. 10-night shifts 4 days a week

b. Work culture pressures you to overwork yourself.

c. Always on call / no clear separation between work hrs and personal hrs.

d. Lack of proper support to succeed.

  1. Lack of exposure. Being far removed from the purpose, conversations. Having little visibility to why things are being done. Having little involvement with the broader team. Things being cascaded down through enough layers that I don’t see the full picture or feel involved in making any sort of impact.

Strengths (Clean this one up a little bit)

  1. Learning things deeply: Deep thinking and thorough understanding of concepts. Whatever it is I am learning or doing, I like to understand it at a deeper level which I’ve found has allowed me to have a more diverse set of solutions for problems. Understanding and thinking about things deeply allows for multiple perspectives when approaching a problem. By understanding the boundaries of the problem, you can better approach it and know even when the problem is likely past that boundary and requires a different system altogether.
  2. Compartmentalizing and prioritization of tasks: Compartmentalizing and Prioritization: breaking things down into digestible pieces and organizing those pieces by relevance has allowed me to be consistently productive in getting things done and organized. It also helps me get a better picture of how long things will take to get done, and how much effort will be involved to prepare for the stress better.
  3. Effort and work ethic: I try to treat and do everything with appropriate care and effort. I try not to label anything as beneath me or irrelevant. If I’m using my time to work on something, I treat that thing with care and give it my all in that moment.

Skills I want to use more of

  1. Data analytics: Creating systems to get valuable insight and tell stories with data that can then be used for better planning. Data analytics is useful pretty much everywhere and to everyone. The process of working with data to create something useful and much more tangible has been interesting.
  2. Planning and actual decision making using the systems created from data analytics. Having a more direct involvement on how the insights are being used. Rather being a part of how the insights are being used instead of just being the person that created the insight.
  3. Working with and serving an audience of people. Similar to Portfolio management or even the PMO

Skills I can leverage

  1. Software / Technical skills: Power BI, excel, Qlik sense, QuickBase, Planisware, office suite software, SharePoint development, power automate, power apps, python, lean six sigma methodologies, power query,
  2. Activity Skills: Creating systems to support data quality and completeness, change management, on-boarding, data transformations and cleansing, work instructions and SOPs.
  3. Soft / Interpersonal skills: Communication and presentations to broader audience

Career Criteria

What would you want a job to have. Nice to haves for the basic conditions o f the job Pay: 75k+ pay grade 24
Form: Full remote, hybrid, full onsite Location hybrid: 45 – 1 hr commute Location Full onsite: <30 min commute Insurance: medical and dental Retirement: 401k matching
Growth opportunities: eligible for promotions, bonuses, annual raises above inflation Time off
Vacation time PTO
Sick leave

Development areas of focus / Weaknesses

  1. Communication.
  2. Project Management methodologies and process improvement techniques
  3. More well-rounded technical education and experience with different software and tools
  4. Being more proactive in making genuine connections with people
  5. Presentations
  6. Personal brand / personal marketing

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