The following activities must be carried out on your chosen workplace. Typically this is the workplace in which you normally work. However, if your workplace is not suitable (for example it does not provide sufficient scope), you can choose any suitable workplace, provided you can access the information you need to complete the activities in this part.
Activity 1: Description of your chosen organisation
This section is very important. It describes the context of your organisation. The answers you give to the remaining activities in Part 2 must be consistent with the information you provide here. relevance and suitability in those later activities. For example, if you work in the service sector, such as banking or insurance, it would be unusual to later describe a situation where welding contractors are repairing a chemical storage tank in your own organisation; but that would not be unusual in a chemical factory.
1 Provide a detailed description of your chosen organisation. Representative examples should be included where relevant.
As a minimum, your description must include the following
- Industrial sector, eg agriculture, service industry, manufacturing, etc
- Physical features of the site (if your chosen organisation has multiple sites, describe only the site that you are basing your assessment on)
- location
- approximate site area
- number and types (eg offices, warehouse, etc) of buildings
- Main activities carried out at the site
- Worker profile and work organisation at the site
- the main roles and responsibilities within the organisation with examples
- number of workers by employment status with examples, eg contract, full-time, etc
- number and types of vulnerable groups
- the typical work shift pattern(s). (10)
Note: You are free to include any other information that you think is relevant, but no additional marks are available. You are therefore advised to include as much relevant detail as you can under the above categories.
If the location or activity of your organisation is sensitive (for whatever reason) you are permitted to create fictitious (but nonetheless representative) details. For example, the location may be changed if this would otherwise reveal sensitive detail.
2 Task analysis is one form of hazard identification.
Select ONE work activity from your chosen organisation and carry out a task analysis using the following steps
- outline the task AND then break the task down into individual stages
- carry out an evaluation of the hazards and risks associated with EACH
stage - develop a safe working method for the task
- describe how you will implement the safe working method
- outline how you will monitor the safe working method to make sure
- it is effective.
- actions you will take should the method not be effective. (15)
Activity 3: Risk profile
3 Select the TWO most significant health and safety risks that your chosen organisation faces.
For EACH of these risks
justify why the risk has been selected explain the nature and the level of the risk
outline what adverse effects may happen if the risk is realised, and the likelihood of the effects occurring
if the risk was to be realised, outline the level of disruption this would cause to your chosen organisation
comment on the effectiveness of the controls in place and any other
actions required to maintain or improve the level of risk. (30)
Notes: The costs do not necessarily have to have a monetary value attached. There are 15 marks available for each risk.
4 The guidance document
Involving your workforce in health and safety (HSG263) sets out four stages for successfully involving workers in health and safety consultation.
- understanding health and safety consultation obligations (including setting up health and safety committees) with reference to the
Health Convention (C155) and Recommendation (R164)
- methods for involving the workforce.
(a) Comment on the strengths and weaknesses in your chosen
organisation consultation process for EACH of these two steps. (20)
Notes: You must support your answers with relevant examples from your chosen organisation.
There are 10 marks available for each step.
(b) Based on your evaluation from 4(a), identify THREE realistic improvements for the consultation process.
For EACH improvement, give
- a description of the improvement
- an explanation of what the improvement is intended to do
- an explanation of how the effectiveness of the improvement will be
measured. (15)
Notes: You must use the Activity 4(b) format table provided in the answer sheet to record your answers.
There are 5 marks available for each improvement.
5 (a) Select a recent or future change that your chosen organisation has carried out/is planning to carry out.
(i) Provide a description of what the change is and what it is intended
to do. (5)
(ii) Analyse how well your chosen organisation has or will manage the change compared to the HSE’s “Key principles of managing organisational change”
Notes: * Key principle 2 relates to major accident sites only. This can be included in your answer if it is relevant, but this will not attract any marks.
** Reference source:
(b) From the analysis carried out in 5(a)(ii) select an improvement that could be made to the change process.
(i) Describe the improvement and what difference it will make to the
change process. (5)
(ii) Analyse the improvement against EACH stage of the Kubler-Ross Curve to show how the proposed improvement would impact on your chosen organisation’s workers.
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