OCN Postnatal Maternity Nurse Care Award – Level 3

Please read the information you were provided with on your course (and in this email) when completing your assignment.

1. Using the table below, explain at least 5 main functions of a maternity nurse (AC 1.1)

 RoleExplain specific tasks involved in this role and reasons for doing these tasks.

2. During the course you explored the importance of maintaining confidentiality when working as a maternity nurse. Demonstrate your understanding by answering the questions below. (AC 1.2) Write at least 200 – 250 words in total.

a) Explain the meaning of the word ‘confidentiality’ and how this applies to the role of the maternity nurse.

b) Explain the importance of contracts for both the maternity nurse and client.

c) Provide examples of when professional boundaries may be blurred and ways to ensure this doesn’t happen.

3. Many parents are keen for their baby to sleep in the nursery on their own. Can you list 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of babies sleeping in a room without their parents: (AC 2.1) Write at least 200 – 250 words in total.



a) At what age is the highest incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? (AC 2.2)

b) These are the 6 preventative measures suggested by the Department of Health to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Pick 3 to explain in further detail using the table below. (AC 2.3) write at least 250 – 300 words in total.

  • Back to sleep
  • Feet to foot
  • Not too hot
  • Breastfeed
  • No smoking
  • In the same room as parents for the first 6 months
Protective measureWhy this reduces the risk of SIDS

5. Explain the need to start a good sleeping routine with a newborn (AC 2.4) Write at least 200 – 250 words in total

a) What are the reasons implementing a good sleeping routine with a newborn for both the parent and baby?

b) How might you support a parent to implement this routine?

6. Explain correct positioning and attachment when breastfeeding (AC 3.1) Write at least 250 – 300 words in total

Q 1. During the course you learnt about the breastfeeding CHIN acronym.

a) In column one, describe what each letter of the acronym stands for.

b) In column two, explain the importance of each step in order to achieve correct positioning and attachment when breastfeeding.

 Column 1   Describe what each letter stands for.Column 2   Explain the importance of each step in regards to achieving correct positioning and attachment when breastfeeding.

7.  Explain ways in which early help with positioning can prevent breastfeeding problems (AC 3.2) Write at least 200 words.

8. Explain reasons why babies may experience colic and reflux. (AC 5.1) Write at least 200 words in total.

9. Using the tables below explain at least three strategies to support a baby to overcome reflux and colic. (AC 5.2) Write at least 200 words in total.

 Strategies to overcome refluxThe reasons for using this method
 Strategies to overcome colicThe reasons for using this method

Please provide a list of sources used, including any articles, websites, books etc…. Provide at least 8 sources.

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