Getting Started with Microsoft Outlook 2016
- Start Outlook and set up a new profile naming it GO-Outlook1B FirstnameLastname. Set up the profile without connecting to an email account. Import o01D_Job_Fair_Contacts, Replace duplicates and Import items into the current folder.
- Start PowerPoint 2016, create a Blank Presentation and type Outlook Project 1B Exam as the title. Type your Firstname Lastname as the subtitle. Save the presentation as Lastname_Firstname_1B_Outlook.
- In PowerPoint on Home tab use New Slide to Insert a new slide and then in the Click to add text area, insert a new slide in the PowerPoint presentation, and then insert a screenshot of imported Contacts. Type Chapter 1 Project Exam B, Step 3 as the title.
- From Contacts create a new contact. Type the following:
Full Name: William Medoux
Company: WWMX
Job Title: VP Marketing
Mobile: (415) 855-2255
Business Address:
546 Main St.
Springfield, DE 23456
Save and close the Contact.
Insert a new slide in the PowerPoint presentation, and then insert a screenshot with William Medoux’s contact visible on the screen. Type Chapter 1 Project Exam B, Step 4 as the title.
- Using the Print menu preview Contacts in Card Style, add a Header in the center, type Job Fair Contacts and select Preview. Insert a new slide in the PowerPoint presentation, and then insert a screenshot of the email in preview mode. Type Chapter 1 Project Exam B, Step 5 as the title. Return to Contacts without printing.
- Create a New Task with the following:
Subject: Order Job Fair Materials
Start date: Monday 6/11/2018
Due date: Monday 6/18/2018
Reminder: Friday 6/4/2018 8:00 AM
Priority: High
Orange Category.
Create a New Task with the following:
Subject: Setup Job Fair Booth
Start Date: Thursday 6/14/2018
Yellow Category.
Create a New Task with the following:
Subject: Job Fair
Start date: Friday 6/22/2018
Due date: Friday 6/22/2018
Reminder: Wednesday 6/20/2018 8:00 AM
Green Category.
- Display the Detailed view of the To-Do List. Insert a new slide in the PowerPoint presentation, and then insert a screenshot of the Tasks. Type Chapter 1 Project Exam B, Step 7 as the title.
- Display the Calendar. Create a new Appointment on 7/2/2018 from 8am-5pm with the subject Follow Up with Job Fair Clients and set the Reminder for 3 days with Red Category and High Importance.
- Create a new Appointment on 7/6/2018 from 8am-5pm with the subject Deadline to Hire, and set the Reminder for 2 days and Yellow Category.
- Display the Calendar in Work Week view and hover your cursor over the Deadline for Orders without clicking to view pop-out. Insert a new slide in the PowerPoint presentation, and then insert a screenshot of the Calendar with a pop-out of the appointment visible. Type Chapter 1 Project Exam B, Step 10 as the title.
- Using the Print menu preview the Weekly Calendar Style. Add a Header in the center and type Job Fair Calendar. Remove the right and left Footer. Insert a new slide in the PowerPoint presentation, and then insert a screenshot of the preview. Type Chapter 1 Project Exam B, Step 11 as the title. Return to Calendar without printing.
- Save and submit PowerPoint presentation as directed by your instructor.
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