Module 6: Critical Thinking – Leadership and Management Strategies

Leadership and Management Strategies

Based on what you learned in this module, identify one person who you believe possesses primarily leadership behaviors and one who possesses primarily management behaviors. These people could be individuals you work with, family members, or people you know from the news (e.g., celebrities, business executives, politicians, etc.), or YOU. Their roles in leadership and management may be formal or informal. 

Write a paper or create a presentation addressing the following: 

  1. What are the different types of behaviors you observe between these two individuals?
  2. How effective are each individual in their role and what suggestions might you make to help each of them improve?
  3. Based on the two individuals, which one would you aspire to be more like and why?
  4. What might be some strategies you could consider implementing to help enhance your leadership or management behaviors and why might this be beneficial to your personal or professional lives?

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