Mini Lesson Plan

This activity is designed to help you better understand how teachers ask questions to assess what students are thinking and to probe/prompt further learning. This process looks easier than it is because you never know how students will respond. 

1. DIRECTIONS: For this activity, you will need to coordinate with the teacher you are observing to arrange time for you to teach a mini lesson. The mini lesson could be a small-group activity or brief whole-group

For example, the mini lesson could be reading a story aloud and asking questions or conducting a review session of learning on the previous day.  You will need to plan at least five questions to be asked  during your teaching time. 
Once you prepare your lesson and questions, it will be helpful to practice delivering it.  Practice your pacing, pausing at points to ask the questions you prepared. When you actually teach the lesson, you may find you need to adjust your questioning strategy based on how students respond.

2. NOTE:  If it is not possible to teach in the classroom you are observing, you are allowed to teach the lesson to family members or fellow classmates.  
 Complete and submit the following items in the assignment link:
I. Short written summary of your proposed lesson. Include:
A. Classroom/Student Information: What subject, grade, number of students, time frame,  etc.? Spanish, 9th grade, 25   90minutes
B. Lesson Objective: What is the point of the mini lesson? Students write their thoughts in paragraph using Spanish weekly vocabulary & theme.  Does it complement what is being taught, or serve as a stand-alone lesson?
C. Corresponding TEKS
D. Detailed Lesson Summary:  This does not need to be a complete lesson plan. At a minimum,

  • include how you will introduce or start the lesson,
  •  what you as the teacher will do or say (model, guide practice & independent work)
  • what materials will be used (video presentation, graphic organizer, text)
  • what students will do or say, and how the
    mini lesson will end. (students will work as a group, then independently and the mini lesson will end by sharing their finding and understanding).
    E. Questions Asked:  List at least five questions you will ask during the lesson.
  • At least one question should be at higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Analysis, Evaluation, or Synthesis.
    II. Lesson Reflection

3. After teaching your lesson, write a thoughtful reflection that addresses the overall process.  Double-spaced and written in academic, college-level, grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation.

  • One page, double-spaced, will be sufficient.  Consider the following reflection questions: Please answer this questions in a non scholarly wordings and no repeated sentences. No more than a page reflection.

1. What went well?
2. What did not go well?
3. Did you ask all the questions? How did students respond?
4. Were any of the questions too easy (students knew the answers right away)?
Were any of the questions too difficult (you had to further probe/prompt)?
5. How did students respond?
6. What questions did you add during the lesson?
7. Did students understand what you were trying to teach? How do you know?
8. If you were to do this lesson again, what would you do differently?

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