Performance Assessment: Managing Resources in an Era of Disruption (IZM2)
Human Resource Management
A. Discuss how you selected your project team members for both the planning and implementation phases of the project. Include the following in your discussion:
- titles of project team members
- justification for the project team
- project team roles and expectations specific to the HIP
Note: Team members include your stakeholders.
B. Include the accurately completed “Personnel Costs Table” from your D157 CPE within the body of your paper.
Project Team Member Engagement
C. Describe how you will manage your project team, including the following elements:
- team building strategies (e.g., collaboration, establishing trust, coaching)
- team guidelines (e.g., communication, conflict management, decision-making)
D. Explain how you could support project team members and staff during the implementation phase, using evidence-based literature to promote both of the following:
- a healthy work environment
- work-life balance
Note: Citations and references are required for each evidence-based, literary source used.
E. Submit the completed “Healthcare Improvement Project RACI Chart” in Appendix B that you completed during your D157 CPE, which supports the implementation of your project, including the following elements:
- all the tasks or deliverables that support the implementation of the project
- the role titles of project team members as column headers
- the role each member has for these tasks using the initial of the RACI definitions (i.e., responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed)
- each task listed on the RACI chart must identify one project team member accountable and one project team member responsible
Note: The person responsible and the person accountable can be the same person.
Financial Resource Management
F. Describe how financial forecasting was used to create the pro forma operating budget for the HIP.
- Describe the control phase of your HIP implementation including your plan for monitoring the pro forma budget and variances and monitoring the project process (i.e., timelines, schedules related to at least one phase of the project lifecycle).
G. Submit the “Healthcare Improvement Project Pro Forma Operating Budget” supporting document, including the following elements:
- five budgetary expenses that must include:
- the total personnel costs (from the total amount in the Personnel Cost Table (Section B) entered on one line of the Pro Forma Budget Template
- four non-personnel costs
- amount for each item (no $0.00 line items)
- comments (if needed)
H. Discuss how budget variances would be tracked and managed.
Project Charter
I. Submit the completed “Healthcare Improvement Project Charter” supporting document within the body of your paper, including the following elements:
- justification for the project
- purpose of the project
- identified significant risks
- budget overview from the pro forma budget
- summary schedule of milestones (identify three milestones including the project start and end dates that align with your SMART goal)
J. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
K. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
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